Interest group ignored by RNC 2012 takes a victory lap anyway.

        (via Tea Party doing “victory lap” after GOP convention - CBS News - Image source)

Interest group ignored by RNC 2012 takes a victory lap anyway.

(via Tea Party doing “victory lap” after GOP convention - CBS News - Image source)

Another federal court rules upholding voting rights.

        (via Federal Judge Restores Early Voting In Ohio After Obama Suit | TPM LiveWire - Image source)

Another federal court rules upholding voting rights.

(via Federal Judge Restores Early Voting In Ohio After Obama Suit | TPM LiveWire - Image source)

Reagan hologram was a possibility.

        (via Reagan hologram is real, was planned for RNC debut | The Ticket - Yahoo! News - Image source)

Reagan hologram was a possibility.

(via Reagan hologram is real, was planned for RNC debut | The Ticket - Yahoo! News - Image source)

Paul Ryan will keep telling that factory-closing lie because what’s anyone gonna do about it?

        (via Paul Ryan Speech Slams Obama For Wisconsin Factory That Closed Under Bush | TPM LiveWire - Image source)

Paul Ryan will keep telling that factory-closing lie because what’s anyone gonna do about it?

(via Paul Ryan Speech Slams Obama For Wisconsin Factory That Closed Under Bush | TPM LiveWire - Image source)

Mitt Romney upstaged by empty chair.

        (via Clint Eastwood Delivers the Unexpected - - Image source)

Mitt Romney upstaged by empty chair.

(via Clint Eastwood Delivers the Unexpected - - Image source)

Federal court overturns Texas voter ID law as - get this! - “discriminatory.”

        (via Texas Voter ID Law Rejected By Federal Court | TPMMuckraker - Image source)

Federal court overturns Texas voter ID law as - get this! - “discriminatory.”

(via Texas Voter ID Law Rejected By Federal Court | TPMMuckraker - Image source)

“If you’ve just been diagnosed with a brain tumor, you honestly don’t care if your neurosurgeon is a jerk.”
        (via Huckabee On Romney: If You Have Cancer, Who Cares If Your Surgeon Is A Jerk? - The Daily Beast - Image source)

If you’ve just been diagnosed with a brain tumor, you honestly don’t care if your neurosurgeon is a jerk.”

(via Huckabee On Romney: If You Have Cancer, Who Cares If Your Surgeon Is A Jerk? - The Daily Beast - Image source)

Ability to identify glaring untruths now officially a “media backlash.”

        (via Paul Ryan Faces Media Backlash For Misleading Convention Speech | TPMDC - Image source)

Ability to identify glaring untruths now officially a “media backlash.”

(via Paul Ryan Faces Media Backlash For Misleading Convention Speech | TPMDC - Image source)

Guy who people actually wanted to run for president gives advice to Mitt Romney.

        (via Jeb Bush to Mitt Romney on RNC Speech: Show Your ‘Heart’ - ABC News - Image source)

Guy who people actually wanted to run for president gives advice to Mitt Romney.

(via Jeb Bush to Mitt Romney on RNC Speech: Show Your ‘Heart’ - ABC News - Image source)

Obama campaign calling out Ryan’s lies risks “sounding a little childish,” says Politico.

        (via Obama camp lambasts Ryan speech - - Image source)

Obama campaign calling out Ryan’s lies risks “sounding a little childish,” says Politico.

(via Obama camp lambasts Ryan speech - - Image source)