sneak peeks by Amy Azzarito 9

sneak peek best of: american flags

The American flag is not quite as ubiquitous as the Union Jack, but it does occasionally find its way into our sneak peek homes. If you want to incorporate some patriotism into your decor, you can also find vintage flags at your local antique shop or on Etsy or eBay. Here are a few examples of American flags (and one state flag) from our sneak peek archives. Happy Fourth of July! — Amy Azzarito

Image above: The flag above Grace Hsiu’s bed in Pasadena, California, is from Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia — a little reminder of her Virginia roots.

Image above: Jen Altman hung a huge old American flag in the long hallway that separates the bedrooms from the rest of her Brooklyn apartment.

Image above: Juliet Gorman & Elliot Malkin found their vintage flag and quilt at 10 Ft. Single in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Image above: Photographers Whitney and Dustin decorated their Brooklyn apartment on a tight budget, which meant lots of vintage finds, like the folded American flag on the fireplace.

Image above: This vintage cotton flag was an auction find. It now hangs in Micah and Marianna Whitson’s home in Massachusetts to remind them of their Southern roots.

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Matthew Hoare

It sucks the American flag looks so much better than the Union Jack over here in the UK. That warn out flag in the first photo looked brilliant!


I’ve always been told that the union (the stars corner) should be displayed on the upper left corner. The exception being if in a street, etc where you see both sides and then it is placed on the north or east side. Is this correct? Understanding flag etiquette this way has always created a little bit of angst when I see the flag hung backwards. If it’s wrong, then I need to just get over it.


This absolutely made my (Independence) day!! I’m moving to a different country in August and have been struggling to find a way to display my patriotism in a way that is acceptable to the minimalist, Swedish beau I acquired and will be residing with.


Flag etiquette requires the blue field be displayed in the upper left corner. Please rehang the headboard!!


Sara- you’re correct- the canton (blue area with stars) should be on the observers left when hung vertically. When the flag is displayed over the middle of the street, it should be suspended vertically with the union to the north in an east and west street or to the east in a north and south street.

Of course, that isn’t the only violation of the Flag Code in these pictures… sigh….


So many violations of the flag code. The one that irked me the most was the mantel. Fold the flag the correct way and don’t use it to set other things on.


Sara- agreed, & glad you mentioned it. People subconsciously note something awry, even when they aren’t informed of flag ‘protocol’… something just doesn’t feel right. If they can’t put their finger on it- it produces even more a sense of the angst you mention… esp in a room designed for rest. Witness all the time folks spend on feng shui! Also, flag code is fascinating and awesome.

Mrs. Vallejos

Has anyone seen any nice ideas for displaying service flags – you know, the folded triangular flags given to the family of veterans or active service members who have passed away? When I do a search online, all I’m finding are tacky frames.

My great-great uncle was buried only recently, but he died in the ’30′s and served in the Civil War. I want to find something that reflects that past either directly or indirectly. Any ideas?

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