Editor's picks

  • Actor Tom Cruise at the opening of a Scientology church in Madrid

    How Tom Cruise is to Scientology what Mitt Romney is to Mormonism

    Michael Wolff: Typically, Rupert Murdoch articulated it: there is 'something creepy' about these people

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  • Comment icons: what you're saying
    Being a woman who watches a lot of television, I'd argue that it's hugely important to deconstruct and analyse TV shows. The way women are portrayed in the media (particularly in Hollywood) continually perpetrates stereotypes which reinforce sexist expectations of reality, and it can also just be incredibly frustrating and upsetting if your gender is either consistently subjected to misogynistic characterization, underdeveloped or relegated to the sidelines. The same applies to the portrayal of all minorities on television and in film. These things do matter.
    commenting on Aaron Sorkin's woman problem

Guardian columnists

  • In praise of … Frances O'Grady

    10 Jul 2012, 19:49 EDT: Editorial: The election of the new TUC general secretary gives the unions an appropriate and modern public face
  • Underbelly: graffiti artists the DDS Crew paint London tube trains - video

    The DDS Crew are seen painting London tube trains in a clip from a new documentary, Underbelly


Are Mayor Bloomberg's 'micro-unit' apartments fit for human habitation?

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has announced a contest for developers to design so-called super-studio apartments under 300 sq feet. Is that living room?


