Database - PISA 2009

Multi-dimensional Data Request

In addition to assessing student performance, PISA also collects information from context questionnaires on student family background, attitudes and approaches to learning as well as the learning environment and organisation of schooling.

This multi-dimensional data request facility allows you to select up to four particular school-level and student-level questions and relate the combination of categories to student performance in a multi-dimensional table.

In PISA 2009 there were four student questionnaires: A student questionnaire collecting background information on students and their learning environment, a questionnaire on computer familiarity, a questionnaire on educational career and questionnaire about reading for school. There was also a School Questionnaire filled out by the senior administrator in the school of the sampled students. Some countries chose to administer the parent questionnaire as an international option.

When you have decided on the questions (maximum of four) and countries of interest you should select them from the list boxes below. You will also need to specify whether you are interested to tabulate results for student performance in reading, mathematical or scientific literacy.

Then enter your email address, click "Submit Request" and a multi-dimensional table will be created in an MS ExcelTM file. Your request will need to be processed and may take some time. You will receive the results of your request by email when they have been processed.

The tables will show the percentage of responses in each category (or nested categories in case of multiple questions) and the mean achievement in the selected assessment domains (reading, mathematical or scientific literacy). The standard errors are also provided.

Download questionnaires

(please select up to four)

Available Variables   Selected Variables (maximum 4)


Available Countries   Selected Countries

Science Reading Mathematics

Email address:

For queries about the PISA 2009 database and associated files contact