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The Magazine and Daily Blog of Catholic Living

About Rebecca Teti

Rebecca Teti Rebecca Teti is married to Dennis and has four children (3 boys, 1 girl) who -- like yours no doubt -- are pious and kind, gorgeous, and can spin flax into gold. A Washington, DC, native, she converted to Catholicism while an undergrad at the U. Dallas, where she double-majored in Political Philosophy & Drama. She holds an MA in Political Theory from Catholic University and pre-children worked a variety of non-profit jobs, including as a pro-life lobbyist and later director of the Center for Family Development in Bethesda, MD. Rebecca now writes from home, with special interest in marriage and family issues, whatever the Pope is doing, retrieving Lego bricks from underfoot, and homemade pie.
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The Revolt Against Contraception

To round out a week of NFP Awareness, I wanted to give the final word to

That’s the website run by college students unapologetic about their opposition to contraception and hoping to—their words—“bring sexy back:”

If anything can be said of our generation, it’s this: We want sexy back. Our parent’s generation, well, they lost it. They delivered to us a world with sky-high rates of divorce,... READ MORE

Less & Less Sexy

Catholics know contraception defies Church teaching.

How well do we understand that an impressive body of secular scientific evidence supports our moral conviction?

Paul VI prophesied it in Humanae Vitae.

Mary Eberstadt documents it in her intellectually relentless yet wonderfully readable little volume, Adam & Eve After the Pill.

Contraception has brought a great deal of happiness of the instantaneous... READ MORE

NFP In Real Life

new website promotes NFP

The goal of a new website,, is to get natural family planning a fair hearing.

As the site’s mission statement says in part, it’s:

a website designed by women, for women to communicate the importance of Natural Family Planning (NFP). It is a non-religious, non-sectarian website which all are encouraged to visit.
We desire to provide women and men with the facts about NFP and a safe and... READ MORE

NFP Awareness Week

spread the good word July 22-28

It’s National NFP Awareness Week!

This is an annual educational campaign built around the the anniversary of Humanae Vitae and the feast of Saints Joachim & Anne to make people aware of the gift of NFP.

As Judy Barrett of the Diocese of Santa Rosa puts it:

Church teaching on contraception is morally correct, good for individuals, families and society at large, and it needs a fair hearing. One of... READ MORE

Mom Needs A Miracle

I’m sure we all have the people of Aurora, Colorado on our hearts today.

Can you spare another prayer for a friend in need of a miracle?

My friend Sam is 18 weeks pregnant but her water broke.

The condition, called PROM (premature rupture of membrances) is extremely serious; she is likely to lose the child.

However, some such children do survive. Mom’s on complete bed rest and praying.

In fact, my spunky friend, hearing the news, immediately worked her various networks to get people praying in all 50 states and every inhabited continent.

You can follow the situation at her blog. Please pray!

Feel free to offer your own prayer intentions in comments.

Born to Love

a Christian response to same sex marriage

That marriage is between a man and a woman is a Catholic “non-negotiable,” yet as we’ve discussed many times at this site, it’s a proposition that’s difficult to defend without causing hurt feelings.

Therefore I’d like to recommend a wonderful resource my friend Kathy put me on to: Fr. John Waiss’ Born to Love.

Written as a conversation among a priest, a couple he is preparing for marriage, and two... READ MORE

Met Any Good Saints Lately?

The dates for my annual silent retreat happened to coincide with the Fortnight for Freedom this year.

I usually tuck the biography of some saint into my bag for pleasure reading, and this year chose Saints of the American Wilderness as a quasi-patriotic choice.

I wanted to make of my retreat an offering for the country and draw inspiration from its saints.

In retrospect it wasn’t a stellar choice... READ MORE

Mice Will Play

what do you do when your hubby's out of town?
Photo by Polarqueen, wikicommons

My husband has a weekend with “the boys” coming up soon.

He absolutely deserves some down time, but I hate it when he’s gone.

There are some minor compensations, however—such as not having to cook dinner.

Cold cut weekend, here we come. And maybe staying late at the pool rather than rushing home for dinner would be nice.

Help me plan mischief for a temporarily single mom and her kids.

What do you do when your husband’s away?

Photo credit

Doggy Dog World

creating people in a lavatory

Here’s a funny article making a serious point about what we lose by being a people who don’t read.

I think the “Taco Bell’s Canon” must be apocryphal,

but the other mistakes chronicled here I absolutely believe.

many of the young men and women I encountered over the years are capable of serious thinking on social issues and international affairs. The Iraq War, in what one student called “nomad’s land,”... READ MORE

Songs of My Childhood

Says You: Is there an album that brings your childhood flooding back?
Johnny Horton Makes History Album Cover

In the Ryskind home of my childhood there was no rock or current pop.

The evangelical school we attended warned us of the dangers of backward masking and diabolical drumbeats, but that wasn’t the reason.

My mom has perfect pitch and simply can’t bear bad singing; it physically pains her, like a knife scratching a plate.

My dad has no pitch and consequently doesn’t care that much about music as such,... READ MORE

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