
VMware vCloud Consulting Services

VMware provides the foundation for enterprises, hosting and outsourcing firms, and service providers, to transform information technology to a cloud computing approach, which pools IT resources more effectively to provide more dynamic and highly available services, that can be quickly self-provisioned by end-users. VMware vCloud technologies offer a secure, pragmatic and measured approach toward transitioning to cloud computing.


VMware vCloud Consulting Services help accelerate your journey to the cloud. Our complete range of services will help you adopt and expand a flexible cloud computing approach that matches infrastructure to demand. Based on our extensive experience helping enterprises and service providers build cloud architectures, VMware vCloud Consulting Services provide assessment, planning, design, and deployment services for IT infrastructure transformation.

Service Offerings


VMware Professional Services can accelerate the transformation of IT infrastructures to cloud computing and IT-as-a-Service computing models and enable companies to rapidly realize value from this new computing approach.

    VMware vCloud Consulting Service Offerings

    VMware Cloud Computing Services VMware Professional Services helps customers maximize the benefits of their virtual infrastructure investments, accelerate the move to a cloud computing model, and address the business implications of shared computing resources.
    Operational Readiness for Cloud Computing The VMware Operational Readiness for Cloud Computing service examines a customer’s existing operational practices to evaluate their performance and identify opportunities to improve the efficiency and quality of IT Service Delivery. Performance is evaluated across more than 150 different attributes in five key areas to develop a comprehensive roadmap and maturity ranking.
    VMware vCloud Jumpstart Provides knowledge transfer workshops and "hands on" product installation, configuration and usage demonstrations for the vCloud solution
    VMware vCloud Accelerator Service - Standard and Advanced Rapidly delivers a functioning VMware vCloud computing environment suitable for deploying applications in a limited scale, pre-production environment.  Assuming all pre-requisites are met VMware estimates it can complete this service engagement in 30 business days or less.
    VMware vCloud Accelerator – Lab Manager Transition This service is targeted at existing VMware vCenter Lab Manager customers who have a significant Lab Manager environment deployed and are planning a transition to vCloud Director.
    VVMware vCloud Plan & Design Provides a comprehensive architectural design for VMware vCloud that addresses your unique business requirements and operational demands, helping customers pave the way to cloud computing. This Service is designed for enterprises with a well-established vSphere based virtualization strategy for production workloads and are ready to take the next step toward building their production cloud infrastructure.

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