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Activists Around the US Fight to Raise the Minimum Wage

At a time when 4.5 million Americans make at or below the minimum wage, a broad coalition unites to demand better pay. 

As a hot summer rolls on and the lockout enters its third week, New York City unions ramp up the pressure. 

Alexis Tsipras, the head of Greece's leftist SYRIZA party

The once-marginal Syriza coalition could bring down the current weak government—but to attain power it must get more union support.

Lockout at Con Ed

Days after being locked out, the utility company’s union workers show that they’re not going down without a fight.

Industry leaders and their Senate allies are trying to kill reforms protecting immigrant workers.

The crushing recall loss shows that labor must find better ways to defend itself in the electoral arena.

Nannies in New York state have brand-new labor protections. But it’s proving hard to enforce employment laws at home.

The depressing defeat of the recall suggests that “money power” cannot be easily thwarted, even by determined “people power.”

Are we prepared to care for the aging baby boomer population?


Houston janitors fought like hell to get from $8.35 an hour to $9.35 an hour—over four years—cleaning the offices of billionaires.

August 17, 2012

The glaring disjunction between Daniel Straus' deeds and actions have not gone unnoticed, and now the businessman is facing retribution from striking workers and organized students.

August 16, 2012

If only the gender wage gap weren’t caused by discrimination. But the data says otherwise.

August 15, 2012

The latest on Palermo's factory workers in Milwaukee and SEIU janitors in Houston who are fighting for fair treatment and a decent wage.

August 3, 2012

The world’s best president could roll back every last anti-organizing law and set organizers on a mission to sign up every last employed American. Still, the standing pool of desperate unemployed would drain worker power away. Robert Pollin has a proposal.

July 30, 2012

While Romney toured Poland, the current leaders of the historic union denounced his “support for the attacks against trade unions and labor rights.”

July 30, 2012

Urge New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn to pass paid sick day legislation. It’s common sense, smart and humane policy.

July 24, 2012

This vulnerable group could be left high and dry just when they should be trying to save for retirement.

July 23, 2012

Corporations with plenty of money to spare could afford to pay workers more—they just won’t. 

July 19, 2012

With the formal shift of control of the Wisconsin state Senate to Democratic control, America’s leading anti-labor governor can no longer govern at whim.

July 18, 2012