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49 of 56 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Hilarious Even for Adults
I learned of this book in my University of Maryland alumni magazine and I'm very glad I did. The author, Jeff Kinney, wrote a popular comic strip called "Igdoof" in the early 90's for the Maryland student newspaper, the Diamondback. His comic alone made me look forward to each new issue of the paper and I continued to seek it out even after I graduated to read Kinney's...
Published on December 8, 2007 by Noah D. Karchmer

70 of 75 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Fun for older kids and adults...
As a (more mature) 13 year old, I thought this book was genuinely funny. However, unlike younger kids, I've already established what is right and wrong. Cheating, lying, manipulating, and acting dumb "just to get less work" is all in this book, and when my younger eight year old brother reads this, I get paranoid of what exactly he's picking up. He doesn't seem to want to...
Published on August 14, 2010

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70 of 75 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Fun for older kids and adults..., August 14, 2010
A Kid's Review
This review is from: Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Paperback)
As a (more mature) 13 year old, I thought this book was genuinely funny. However, unlike younger kids, I've already established what is right and wrong. Cheating, lying, manipulating, and acting dumb "just to get less work" is all in this book, and when my younger eight year old brother reads this, I get paranoid of what exactly he's picking up. He doesn't seem to want to go to a gifted program at school, thinks less of school, and I think it is because of this book! To older audiences, Greg is a very interesting character (which is the prevelant reason why the series is so popular) but he is one of the most irresponsible fictional characters I have come across in a long time. And since the story is told from HIS viewpoint, it even makes it worse! His mind thinks of the all the previously mentioned things to be perfectly fine. I would absoluetly not recommend this book to...more vulnerble kids.

On the plus side, the novel IS truely funny, with its charming digital drawings and witty main character- who keeps the story lively (ignoring his bad influence) throughout the entire book.
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49 of 56 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Hilarious Even for Adults, December 8, 2007
This review is from: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Hardcover)
I learned of this book in my University of Maryland alumni magazine and I'm very glad I did. The author, Jeff Kinney, wrote a popular comic strip called "Igdoof" in the early 90's for the Maryland student newspaper, the Diamondback. His comic alone made me look forward to each new issue of the paper and I continued to seek it out even after I graduated to read Kinney's comic.

From what I understand, he fought to get the strip syndicated after he graduated, but it never happened- presumably because his somewhat simplistic and crude artistic style is nothing like what you see in the daily comics sections. I had often wondered what became of Kinney, whose considerable talent should not be going to waste, so I was happy to pick this book up once I discovered it.

The book, likely written for kids at or above a fifth or sixth grade reading level, was better reading for a 37 year old than I could have possibly imagined. Kinney picks up right where he left off with the Igdoof strip with the very same humor and art that made me enjoy it so much. The book was laugh-out-loud funny throughout and I would recommend it to not only kids, but anyone who can appreciate humor books. I wish Jeff all the success in the world and look forward to reading more of his works-- he has really found his calling.
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163 of 196 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Or why you never want to play a tree in a school production of The Wizard of Oz, March 25, 2007
This review is from: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Hardcover)
The world has not yet invented a method of finding the best webcomics currently available on the Internet for kids. So basically, for every twenty low-quality/poorly thought out amalgamations of crap, you get one bright shining star. "Diary of a Wimpy Kid," the webcomic, was one such star. The only conclusion I can really draw at this point is that somebody at Abrams is a friggin' genius for plucking the comic up and making it into a book. Now normally I don't like to separate titles into "girl books" and "boy books", but Jeff Kinney has written such a marvelous "boy book" that for every parent that walks in the door of my library I'm going to be cramming this title into their arms. Heck, I'll slip it into their purses if I have to. This book is going to reach its intended audience whether I have to wrestle skeptical parents to the floor with it clamped firmly in my teeth. Want to transfer your Captain Underpants lovers from graphic novels to fiction? This book won't do that. It's just something that every single person will get a kick out of.

First things first. Boys do not have diaries. Girls have diaries. Let's get that straight cause things could get messy if we don't. Basically, what we have here are the gathered thoughts and memories of Greg Haffley. Greg's got a pretty average life, all things considered. His older brother is a jerk, his younger brother annoying, his best friend a doofus, and his parents perfect dweebs. To top it all off, Greg's been thrown into his first year of middle school and things are really weird. Suddenly friendships are shifting and Greg's not sure who he wants to be. Add in some haunted houses, wrestling, downhill games involving bodily injury, forbidden cheese, and basic family fears and you've got yourself one heckuva debut.

I should specify that in spite of the fact that this book is based on a webcomic, it's not a graphic novel. Not really. Comic illustrations appear on every single page and complement the storytelling, but this is really more a (what's the term again?) illustrated novel. What this appears to be, more than anything else, is a notebook that's been written in by hand with the occasional cartoony illustration here and there for effect. It never breaks up into panels or long illustrated periods. There are just tasty little comic treats on each and every page.

Now the term "laugh-out-loud funny" is not to be bandied about. When I say that something is "laugh-out-loud funny" I don't want to be talking titters, mild chuckles, or undersized, underfed guffaws. I want to describe something so amusing that you think about it later and start laughing in an embarrassing manner on the subway. Jeff Kinney gave me that more than once. There was the moment when Greg's trying to get out of performing as an apple-throwing tree in his school's production of, "The Wizard of Oz." He thinks that maybe if he screws up what he has to say, that might be his out. "But when you only have one word to say, it's really hard to mess up your lines." The next thing we know, "Dorothy" has picked an apple and Greg's trying out a tentative, "Owwwchhh?" Oh! And the form thank you letters! Greg figures out that he says basically the same thing to all his relatives. So he just cranks out a form letter and fills in the details. This works great until he gets to something like, "Dear AUNT LORETTA, Thank you so much for the awesome PANTS! How did you now I wanted that for Christmas? I love the way the PANTS looks on my LEGS! All my friends will be so jealous that I have my very own PANTS." I think I was laughing over this for a good three hours after I read it.

There's something particularly charming about Kinney's illustration/cartoons too. The lines are incredibly clean and precise, even as they are showing some pretty raucous stuff. Kinney's grasp on visual gags is without comparison. At one point Greg happens to mention that if you "mess up in front of Dad" (i.e. kick over your little brother's toys maliciously) he'll throw whatever he has in his hands at you. We then see two shots of Greg misbehaving. The first is labeled, "GOOD TIME TO SCREW UP:" and shows him kicking over some blocks while his dad is holding the newspaper. The second reads, "BAD TIME TO SCREW UP:" and shows him doing it while his dad is cementing together a brick wall. Comedy gold, people! The comics are drawn over lined paper, making the whole enterprise really feel as if you're poring through someone else's journal.

And for all that, the writing's not too shabby. When Greg talks about week-ends he says, "The only reason I get out of bed at all on weekends is because eventually, I can't stand the taste of my own breath anymore." Been there. Tasted that. Kinney's able to point out all kinds of funny school details we adults may have forgotten, but that kids will recognize instantly. For example, why should you tell kids that "It's great to be you," when a lot of people really should think about changing themselves? We see two bullies shoving some poor kid down at this point yelling, "It's great to be me!," you you have to concede the point. I mean, Kinney remembers what it was like to roll a really big snowball and then see that you were ripping up the grass on your lawn in the process. No one remembers that! Characters are also lovingly delineated, not only in words, but in their little comic illustrations. Take as your example the character of Greg's fellow student and neighbor Fregley. Fregley is weird. So how would you, as the writer/cartoonist, convey this? You might want to have him say things like, "Wanna see my secret freckle?". You might draw him with a mouth wider than his head. You might have him stabbing kites in his front yard, shirtless. For a start, anyway. Every character in this book feels real. Even Greg's annoying, practically mute, little brother.

And so much more. Such as the name of Greg's older brother's band. Loaded Diaper, only it's spelled "Loded Diper" with an umlaut over the "o". Greg suspects his brother thinks that it really is spelled that way. And there are the small failures and triumphs of your average pre-adolescent. No one in their right mind would ever want to return to the days of Middle School, but if Jeff Kinney keeps churning out books like this one, I'll follow him there any day of the week. This title has already been getting some pretty choice reviews here and there. Can I make a nomination for funniest children's book of 2007? Consider it a necessary purchase.
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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Diary of a Wimpy Kid, August 5, 2008
This review is from: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Hardcover)
If there was an "IT" book of 2008 in the school where I teach 5th grade, forget about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; it had to be Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Book orders could not send copies fast enough. Book stores could not restock their shelves quickly enough. Everywhere I turned I was met by a student with his or her nose buried in its pages. So naturally, I had to see what all the fuss was about.

Greg Heffley is your everyday, run-of-the-mill, middle school "wimp". Sure, someday he's going to amount to something big, but for now, he's "stuck in middle school with a bunch of morons." Greg's journal, not "diary", but "journal", takes us through the hilarious events that make up Greg's days in his first year of middle school. Lucky for us, whether it's avoiding his older brother Rodrick, or abusing his best friend Rowley, Greg's days are never short on laughs.

I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard when reading a book. There are laughs on every page, literally. Greg's mudslinging student council posters, Greg and Rowley's failed attempt at a haunted house, the students' wrestling unit in PE ("muscles are gross"), and Christmas time at the Heffley home. Situations like these that Greg finds himself in are comical enough, but it's his voice and commentary that sets this book apart. Jeff Kinney has cleverly captured the inner workings of a middle school student, and because of this book's popularity, it's obvious that students connect with Greg.

However, that's also what scares me about this book. I'm afraid that Kinney is too smart for his own good and without realizing it, has created a lovable character that advocates laziness and using your best friend for his family's money and his video games. Beneath all the laughs, Greg is a deceitful, selfish, jerk of a boy and the fact that students relate to him so easily doesn't sit well with me. I admit, I laughed hysterically at Kinney's tongue-in-cheek irony, but I'm an adult. I can tell the difference between Greg the character being serious and Jeff the author being sarcastic. I'm not so sure all the kids reading this will be able to.

I'm torn though. This book is funny and relevant and I guess if children are excited about reading it, then who am I to complain. Any time children WANT to read, it's a good thing, and I commend Kinney for this. He's discovered a great medium to tell his stories. The pictures only add to the humor and the journal format makes for an easy read. I think most of my students would be able to distinguish between Greg's selfish behavior and acceptable, respectful behavior, and if they don't, eh . . . kids will be kids. Either way, I have a feeling that Kinney is going to be around for a while. I may be better off enjoying the laughs.
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27 of 33 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Courtesy of Teens Read Too, August 10, 2007
This review is from: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Hardcover)
If you work with middle grade kids, be sure to check out DIARY OF A WIMPY KID.

Greg Heffley is a 6th-grade weakling trying to make his mark in the middle school world. His family includes a mom, a dad, a heavy metal big brother, and a whiny, tattling little brother. His best friend is Rowley, another odd 6th-grader with overprotective parents and the world-class ability to annoy.

Greg is always a victim of the big, mean bullies in the school. He constantly seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. In an attempt to be "cool" he experiments with the idea of weightlifting, creating his own haunted house, running for class treasurer, and building a snowman big enough to be considered for the Guiness Book of World Records. However, the only mild success he accomplishes is as a safety guard whose job is to walk the kindergarten kids home at lunchtime.

At least with that job he gets free hot chocolate and misses twenty minutes of math class.

Readers will be able to relate to Greg's typical teenage problems. His parents ground him from his video games, his older brother picks on him, his little brother gets him in trouble, and the girls in his school think he is a waste of their time. He'd like to pretend he's just a mediocre student when he is really one of the "uncool" gifted kids. The odds are just stacked against him.

Kinney bills his books as "a novel in cartoons," which is sure to be a popular feature with middle grade readers, especially those of the reluctant variety. The clever illustrations were a fantastic way to play up the already great humor in the book.

Once again, if you have anything at all to do with middle graders, get this book in their hands ASAP.

Reviewed by: Sally Kruger, aka "Readingjunky"
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33 of 41 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Absolutely Brilliant Humor Book For Reluctant Readers, December 1, 2007
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Hardcover)
DIARY OF A WIMPY KID just made my list of Top 10 Books of 2007. After listening to my fourth grader rave about the book, which he found on the internet of all places because it's been published there, I ordered a hardcover edition of the book. I know that kids who find a book they love will read it over and over again, and the choice as a parent is whether to buy it in hardcover or buy it in paperback over and over. Since paperbacks don't always stay in print and hardcovers sometimes appreciate dramatically in price, I opted for the hardcover copy.

It came in today. My son sat down with it immediately. Even though he'd read the whole book on the internet, he loved the idea of being able to hold it in his hands. He flipped through the pages and made certain all his favorite jokes were still in place, which was amusing to watch because I've done the same thing.

One of the amazing things I've learned since is that the whole book is available on the internet. You can find it at Feel free to preview the whole book if you like, the author has generously placed it there, but it's gone on to be a #1 seller in hardcover and paperback all the same. Free on the internet is one thing, but books and portability are best.

Since most of the television shows my wife and I watch on Friday nights were suspended or repeats and I needed a mental vacation after the stress of pounding the keyboard all day, I picked up DIARY OF A WIMPY KID and started turning pages. I didn't stop till I'd devoured the last page.

The book is a flat-out laugh riot from page one to page 217. With pencil drawings that look like they were made by an early elementary school student, it was also an incredibly fast read.

The story is about Greg Heffley, which is kind of like Jeff Kinney if you look at it right. Greg's in sixth grade and isn't exactly a social butterfly or even much accepted by the other kids. In fact, he's lucky if they notice he's alive.

Greg's got a regular mom and dad, but Jeff Kinney paints them so vividly with just little details that you can't help feeling you know these people. His dad has a violent streak when it comes to punishing Greg on the spot. Greg even points out when there are good times to screw up and bad times to screw up. Hint: a good time is when his dad is reading the paper; a bad time is when his dad is building a brick wall. Line drawings accompany this. Greg's also got an older and younger brother that helps drive him crazy at home. The younger brother, Manny, doesn't really speak, but he's into everything.

Greg's older brother, Rodrick, has his own band and generally stays out of Greg's life. However, the relationship between the two comes to the forefront every now and again. Rodrick doesn't mind putting something over on Greg or making him look bad.

The things that make this book work the most, and kept me turning pages, are Greg's insights on life. He's not a good kid. He's not a bad kid either. He's just a kid. One part scared, one part "that's not fair", and one part selfish. It's the selfish part of Greg that brings about observations about popularity, such as his acknowledgement that he's number fifty-something popular among the boys, but he's due to move up a spot because one of the other boys is about to get braces.

His efforts to get out of trouble without having to actually take responsibility for his actions are amazingly dead-on for the age group Kinney is writing about. The fact that Greg's unwilling to give up trick or treating is good. The touchstones of elementary school life, like the Cheese that's haunted the outdoor basketball court for a year and gave birth to the Cheese Touch myth that actually ended up making one kid movie way, are here as well.

There are literally hundreds of reasons to buy this book. Number one is that it is the perfect gift for kids who are reluctant readers. Christmas is upon us. Kids are going to be thrown in cars for trips to see relatives, and this book will guarantee some quiet time - except for snickers and outright belly laughs.

I had an absolute blast with it. Before I knew it, I was committing the unpardonable sin of reading sections aloud to my wife while she was watching television. Normally I enforce that one to keep my own television watching manageable. However, I was soon that guy. The book is just too good not to share, so here I am sharing it with you.

Do your kid a favor and go buy the book. But make time to read it yourself. This is one that I think a lot of people will read and tell friends about. Then mark February 2008 down as the release month of the second book, DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: RODRICK RULES. I've already got mine on order.
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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars get your kid to love reading, July 19, 2007
This review is from: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Hardcover)
My 7 year old son burned through this book in a week! The illustrations are classic, the prose easy to understand, the subject matter: hilarious and appropriate for children who often wonder if their parents are the only ones who make a bunch of rules which seem to revolve around not letting them play the cool video games or eat junk food. It touches on the scatological, as well, and made my son lose his breath laughing on many occasions. I can't wait to see if there is a follow-up!
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56 of 72 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars Diary of a Bullying Kid, December 14, 2009
This review is from: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Hardcover)
The main character in this book, Greg, is not what I expected - he is not a wimpy child that is picked upon by the other students. In many of the episodes related here, Greg is the person who is doing the bullying. Greg torments his younger brother, chases small children with worms, throws apples to disrupt the school play and treats his "friends" shamefully.

In his blog, Jeff Kinney, the author/artist, says that "Greg is self-centered and he can be kind of clueless. I don't think he is a bad kid, necessarily; but like all of us, he has his faults... I think that stories with characters who always do the right thing are a little boring." The problem is that Greg NEVER does the right thing, he IS a bad kid. He is mean, selfish, lazy and pretty stupid too. I kept waiting for the moments of redemption, when he apologized for his actions, or attempted some kind of restitution for his bad behavior. But Greg is unrepentant throughout, Jeff Kinney never lets Greg show the least amount of courage; Greg has no conscience. Greg is impossible to like.

I happen to just finish reading a novel called "The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread" which features another young protagonist, the eleven year old Morris Bird III. Morris is not perfect, he steals, he skips out of class - but Morris DOES have a conscience, he is a real likable character. The contrast between Morris and Greg is dramatic. One boy you can cheer for, the other is a hopeless delinquent.

The only reason I did not give this book a single star is that Kinney has done a marvelous job with his artwork. Using deceptively simple line art, Kinney manages to impart personality and unique facial features on each of his characters. All of the actors are immediately recognizable, its just too bad that none of them are likable.

Try covering up the artwork on a few pages, and just read the words, and you will realize how the drawings make the whole book palatable. If the line art is deleted, and you read the text only, you would realize how awful Greg is. Ugh.
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13 of 15 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars 8 year old fan, October 5, 2007
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This review is from: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Hardcover)
My eight year old boy was having a difficult time finding things to read. So I was relieved to find something besides Captain Underpants that he can get excited about. The style of the book is accessible -- lots of white space, informal dialogue, and frequent cartoon illustrations. It's about middle school, but younger children will still enjoy it.
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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Great for the boy who usually doesn't like to read!, September 4, 2007
This review is from: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Hardcover)
I brought my 12-year-old son to the store to find a book, and we came home with this one. He doesn't care to read, but he has to meet a certain quota for school. As soon as we got home, he sat in bed and read 50 pages. Then he woke up the next morning and read it during breakfast. He feels he can relate to the character and finds the drawings amusing. Finally, a book I didn't have to nag at him to read!
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