The New Universe of Jill Sobule


September, September

I have some really good shows coming up, including two nights at Joe’s Pub where I plan to record and video the whole shebang. So, don’t forget to comb your hair, and do not bring your mistress. A few years ago, I filmed a show in Pittsburgh. This fellow, who was sitting in the front [...]

Jefferson Airplane (not Starship) and me, playing Mexican Wrestler in Prison, and your thoughts.

I know you all just received a newsletter last month, but I have more to say. And I need your help – I always need your help. First on the agenda: Would you like to get away for the weekend and take music classes with former members of Jefferson Airplane (not Starship) and me? On August [...]

July Shows! Come on!

I’m again East Coast Bound. I’ve got some good ones, from the artful intimacy of the Rubin Museum in NY to the gay gay Ice Palace in Cherry Grove. Before I leave LA, I will be at the Echoplex  on July 12 for a Jail Guitar Doors benefit, hosted by Adam McKay and Wayne Kramer. Last Sunday, [...]

Shows! Shows! Shows!

I have a bunch of shows in the next few weeks for all you East Coasters, including the Iota in DC and the Clearwater Festival. If you are planning on coming, leave a message to tell me what song you would like me to play. It helps me narrow down my choices, and I hate [...]

TEDMED and Music for Occupy

I just had a Skype session with the Head of the NIH. Why? And why… me? Well, Dr. Collins is one of the keynote speakers at TEDMED this year -TEDMED is the  medical and healthcare related offshoot of TED. And I am the MD (Music Director) of TEDMED. The good doctor not only does things like…discover [...]


The Pinko Record Junior Executive EP

Hits from the Culture Wars – only 500 made!! Featuring: 1. Under the Bridge: from the Jill and John Doe record – A Day at the Pass. Its a call to arms for all my unemployed and uninsured friends to band together, fight for our rights, and make hobo stew. 2. Manhattan in January: was [...]



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