Faith and Family Live!

The Magazine and Daily Blog of Catholic Living

About Arwen Mosher

Arwen Mosher Arwen Mosher lives in southeastern Michigan with her husband Bryan and their 5-year-old daughter, 3-year-old son, and 1-year-old twin boys. She has a bachelor's degree in theology. She dreads laundry, craves sleep, loves to read novels and do logic puzzles, and can't live without tea. Her personal blog site is ABC Family.
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Uniform Happy?

what's your experience with school clothes?

One of the items on my nightly checklist is “get uniform ready.” Every evening I have to chase down all the pieces of my daughter’s school uniform, iron them, and set them out for her to wear the next day.

(Okay, I’m kidding about the ironing. I overachieved and did that a couple times at the beginning of the school year, but now I just shake stuff out and call it good. More regular ironers have my... READ MORE

Clean Head

years later, still loving my neti pot

I started writing about how much I am appreciating my neti pot these days, then realized I already wrote that post back in 2009.

Still, some material is worth recycling, and I think neti pot propaganda falls in that category. I feel like I can’t oversell this thing.

I have seasonal allergies and chronic sinus issues. I don’t use my neti pot year round, but once my nose starts tickling and my sinuses... READ MORE

(Can't) Remember

where has my mind gone?

We’re in the car on the way to have dinner at a nearby park. I ask my husband if he remembered the picnic blanket.

He gives me a strange look. “Um, yes, right before we left. I handed you the keys and told you I just needed to grab the blanket really quick. Do you not recall this?”

It was all of five minutes ago, and I apparently looked straight at him and answered him when he spoke to me, but no.... READ MORE

Need Laughs?

these links might make your day better

The thing is, no matter how bad a day you’ve had, at least you didn’t let your toddler do the ironing. Like this guy did.

See the whole hilarious set of staged tongue-in-cheek “World’s Best Father” photos here.

And in case your day needs yet another boost, this Dave Barry column made me laugh AND feel good about my house(non)keeping. Hey, I’m not being irresponsible about kitchen cleanliness, I’m just refusing to spread germs around.

Sweet (standards lowered, confidence boosted, laughter filled) dreams!

Jury Duty Blues

has it been a challenge for you?

The computer that randomly selects people for jury duty seems to like me, as I recently received my third summons in six years.

Last time I got called for jury duty Camilla was a young toddler, still nursing often, not really old enough for me to be comfortable leaving her for whole days at a time. I showed up at the courthouse with a pump in my purse and a prayer that I wouldn’t get seated on a jury.... READ MORE

Beyond PB&J

help! let's talk lunches

I don’t want to talk the “parent of a brand-new school kid” thing to death, but will you bear with me? There are some things I’m still figuring out.

A big one of these is lunch.

My first-grader, like millions of other children, must eat lunch at school. For several reasons it makes sense for us to pack a lunch and send it with her.

I know this makes me sound like a wimp, but after thirteen school... READ MORE


is it that simple?

I was sitting with my babies on the grass in the park, watching a couple of strangers walk around the track toward me and hoping they would talk to me, when I had a sudden weirdly self-aware moment: I am definitely an extravert now.

I mean, I’m pretty sure introverts don’t keep an eye on strangers in public places with the hope they’ll get close enough to strike up a conversation. Quite the opposite,... READ MORE

Moving On

what stage are you in?

Yesterday we took a family trip to the local children’s museum, where we have a membership and our little ones enjoy playing in the preschooler room.

As usual, I started talking with a couple other mothers. These ones each had a young toddler in tow, and their eyes widened as I identified my brood. Yep, that one… and his identical brother… and those two big ones over there are mine too.

It’s not... READ MORE

Empty Trees

are you missing apple picking this year?

Every year our kids count down to autumn and the big outing we take (sometimes more than once) each year: apple picking! It’s almost as big a deal as Christmas.

I look forward to it too. In Michigan the apple harvest doesn’t come until late September or early October, when the the days are beginning to get cooler. The whole experience feels like fall to me: wearing long pants and sneakers and jackets,... READ MORE

The Boy Who Cried Hurt

advise me: what to do with an overreacting kid?

I’m all about following your instincts as a parent, but sometimes they fail you. That’s why I love having such a large online network of been-there, done-that parents. I can crowdsource my problems!

Here’s one that’s been flummoxing me in a major way lately: my three-year-old is the little boy who cried wolf. Except instead of “wolf” he cries “major injury.”

Last January Blaise fell down the stairs... READ MORE

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