Trailmeme is a way to tell stories with Web content.
Watch this video to find out what trailblazing is all about and learn how to blaze your own trails.
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Create visual trails through Web content.
Share your trails with the world.
Explore the trails that others have blazed.
Recent Trailmeme Press:
Featured Trails
"The End of the World"
"The Ultimate Guide to Lean Startups"
"Social Networking"
"The 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill"

Trailmeme is a new kind of publishing.

Trails -- visual maps of Web content -- allow you to go from feeling overwhelmed and anxious by the flood of disorganized real-time Web content coming at you, to a sense of control and mastery. By blazing trails you can create meaningful, annotated patterns and evolving stories out of Web content. When you publish your trails, others can benefit from your insights and commentary.

When you walk trails blazed by others, you can experience the comfortable feeling of being on a guided tour. On a trail, thoughtfully selected content is meaningfully sequenced, and choices have pruned to the relevant few.

You can blaze and walk trails at, and use our browser toolbar and bookmarklet to enhance your experience.

Trailblazers Blog
What People Are Saying
"I've found that Trailmeme is a great way to organise themed sets of web documents, which might otherwise be difficult to pull together in a single place. A way that enables you to show others visually how the information in the trail is related."   "Trailmeme is a conceptual necessity to the organization and creation of Web content in the endless flux of the stream."
Gary Green, Technical Librarian.   Nova Spivack, Entrepreneur.