
Tips for using Search

How our Search works

By default, our search engine automatically show articles or documents that contain the keyword(s) you entered to search (this is also known as "or" searches).

If you searched using more than one keyword (for example, "australian politics"), search will look for articles containing both and either terms. Documents or articles that contain both terms will be prioritised and shown at the top of the search results list.

Common terms such as "where", "the" or "how" are excluded as they can decrease the accuracy of search.

Capitalisation is also ignored. Searching for "Politics", "politics" and "POLITICS" will return the same set of results.

Getting better results from search

Do not use common terms such as "and", "or" and "not" to fine-tune your search. These terms are excluded by our search engine.

You can increase the accuracy of your search by using the following techniques.

"+" searches

If you want to search for documents that contain ALL of your keywords, use a "+" before the words that must be included.

Exact phrase searches

If you want to search for documents that match an exact phrase, use quotation marks ("") surrounding the phrase.

"-" searches

If you want to search for documents that include a certain search term but exclude another search term, use a "-" before the term you want to exclude.


If you want to expand your search for that term or you are not sure of the correct spelling, add an asterisk "*" after your keyword.

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