26Sep 2012

4J shoots down another Minecraft Xbox 360 update release date

"Best to assume all rumours are false."

There have been rumblings and grumblings on yonder internet that Minecraft Xbox 360 update 1.8.2 will launch on Friday, 28th September. Result: a stampede of re-organisation as devoted Minecrafters set aside as many hours as possible on that, most holy of days. Hold your horses, block lovers. 4J says you'll have to wait a little longer.

"There's nothing coming out on the 28th," the studio Tweeted a few moments ago. "Best to assume all rumours are false."

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The bogus date appears to have arisen on the Minecraft wiki page, which is outside 4J's control. "Anyone can edit the date on the wiki," notes another Tweet. "We've never announced a release date. We'll tell you when it goes to [Microsoft certification testing]."

To pre-empt your next question - Microsoft certification testing generally takes between one and two weeks, in our experience, assuming the game doesn't fail certification. 4J revealed that the new Minecraft update was a "week or two" from going into certification on 18th September.

Wondering what all the fuss is about? Glad you asked - check our ultimate guide to Minecraft Xbox 360 update 1.8.2 for details of Creative Mode, strongholds, new combat mechanics and other exhilarating/terrifying new features. You may also want to tour the last Minecraft World of the Week, or mull over some of the fancy Minecraft PC texture packs we'd like to see on Xbox 360.


5 comments so far...

  1. Damn i saw it on Wiki but it isn't there now.Didn't assume it was the release date though,just when it was going for cert.Despite that can wait and i suppose there is a fair bit of work in what they are giving us in the update.

  2. (-_-) yup, im staying with the pc version........I cant believe how much they take to release this update. 4 months???
    ''grabs shotgun and blows head off*

  3. i think once xbox version is on par with PC then it will be much better

  4. Come on when i read the release on Sep, 28th i was jumping with joy :D just release the creative mode on this Friday PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. :?: :|

  5. is 4j studios done on the update if they were wouldent they just send it now for testing :!: