
to the Anonymous Solidarity Network Wiki. We are building it now. Check out our new Services Tab.

Learn more about us by clicking here.

Visit our persecution tracker page.

We can always use your financial support. To donate: http://freeanons.org/?page_id=125

Creating new entries: In order to create a new entry, or edit an old one, you must register. All wiki entries are listed, in index fashion, on the persecution tracker page. There are currently two categories: name entries, and country entries. To edit an existent link, click it. In order to create a new entry instead, click edit on the top of persecution tracker page. Copy the code format to create the new entry, and place it alphabetically. When you finish, click "save changes." Return to the persecution tracker page, click on the new entry, and proceed to edit. NOTICE: editing has been removed for non-administrators. This is thanks to a spammer who was trying to run a little spam empire on this wiki. Got rest his internet soul. For edits or additions please contact us and we will make the changes on your behalf.

The Official Free Anons Locations

These are the only official FreeAnons locations:

The FreeAnons web site http://freeanons.org

Our official irc channel: irc.anonops.com #freeanons

Email: Freeanons@Hushmail.com

If your new entry falls within a nonexistent category, create a new category, as well as the new entry, on the persecution tracker page.

Calendar of Prosecution-Related Events