
JANUARY 04, 2010

'What once was unthinkable'

Where to from here? The Orlando Sentinel last week: ... Read more

JANUARY 12, 2010

Economists (and the French) call it tatonnement

Sean Snaith? "More like molestation." Sentinel stories.

JANUARY 31, 2010

Says Sean Snaith of UCF

In the Tennessean: "From laborers and lawyers to plumbers and professors, they've all lost jobs. It's reached across the socioeconomic strata and across white- and blue-collar workers." In the Orlando Sentinel: "Unemployment is the ugly scar of this recession that'll be the last thing to fade."

FEBRUARY 10, 2010

Seasonal jobs in Orlando

From the Sentinel: SeaWorld Orlando says it plans to add about 1,000 seasonal jobs to help handle the annual spring and summer travel peaks. The resort says it has hired about 200 people so far and is looking to fill another 750 or so by March 20.

FEBRUARY 15, 2010

Thousands of state positions left open are draining $$ that could go elsewhere

MARCH 01, 2010

Up in Tallahassee

Says the Times heading into session:

Focus more on job training and less on tax credits. Find money for small businesses to borrow. Invest in infrastructure. Preserve aerospace jobs. In the short term, enhance unemployment benefits with federal money. ... Read more

MARCH 08, 2010

Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation scores low marks

From Robert Trigaux

Florida's Agency for Workforce Innovention, which is supposed to make sure jobless Floridians get their benefits in a timeless way, fails to meet federal performance standards in at least three key areas. That's based on Labor Department standards.

Here's more from Venture and the Orlando Sentinel


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