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As Hitman waits in the shadows, Will Porter looks back to IO's noisier side with Freedom Fighters.

2010's Sega Mega Drive RPG Pier Solar coming to Xbox 360, PC and Mac in HD. "The biggest 16-bit RPG ever."

Dreamfall Chapters will be a single-player adventure game for PC and Mac. Ragnar Tornquist tells Bertie about it:

UK shop promises to break Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 street date, reckons you'll get it tomorrow if you buy now -

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Jordan Mechner's Karateka remake preserves its unique take on the save-the-princess staple - Simon Parkin's review:

Silicon Knights ordered to recall and destroy all unsold copies of Too Human, X-Men Destiny, more -

Editor's Blog: New Editorial Policies - We have updated our "How We Work" page. Check it out.

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