cheat sheets.

$ cheat gem_release
$ gem release your.gemspec       # builds the gem and pushes it to
$ gem release                    # uses the first *.gemspec in the current
                                 # working directory
$ gem release --tag              # also executes gem tag
$ gem release --key KEY          # use the specified API key from
                                 # ~/.gem/credentials
$ gem release --host HOST        # push to a gemcutter-compatible host other
                                 # than
$ gem release --quiet            # suppress output status messages

$ gem tag                        # creates a git tag and pushes to the origin
                                 # git repository

$ gem gemspec                    # generates a [gem_name].gemspec using
                                 # Dir["{lib/**/*,[A-Z]*}"]
$ gem gemspec --strategy git     # uses s.files = `git ls-files app
                                 # lib`.split("\n")

$ gem bootstrap                  # generates a [gem_name].gemspec using the
                                 # current directory name and scaffolds
                                 # lib/[gem_name]/version.rb, README, test/
$ gem bootstrap your_gem         # creates a your_gem directory, bootstraps
                                 # your_gem and inits a git repo
$ gem bootstrap --github         # inits a git repo, creates it on github and
                                 # pushes it to github (requires git config
                                 # for github.user and github.token to be set)

$ gem bump                       # Bump the gem version to the next patch or
                                 # pre-release level (e.g. 0.0.1 to 0.0.2,
                                 # 1.0.0.pre1 to 1.0.0.pre2, 1.0.0.rc1 to
                                 # 1.0.0.rc2)
$ gem bump --version 1.1.1       # Bump the gem version to the given version
                                 # number
$ gem bump --version major       # Bump the gem version to the next major
                                 # level (e.g. 0.0.1 to 1.0.0)
$ gem bump --version minor       # Bump the gem version to the next minor
                                 # level (e.g. 0.0.1 to 0.1.0)
$ gem bump --version patch       # Bump the gem version to the next patch
                                 # level (e.g. 0.0.1 to 0.0.2)
$ gem bump --version pre|rc|etc  # Bump the gem version to the next
                                 # pre-release level (e.g. `pre`: 1.0.0.pre1
                                 # to 1.0.0.pre2, 0.0.1 to 0.0.2.pre1;
                                 # `beta`: 1.0.0.beta1 to 1.0.0.beta2, 0.0.1
                                 # to 0.0.2.beta1)
$ gem bump --push                # Bump and push to the origin git repository
$ gem bump --tag                 # Bump and tag gem and pushes tags to the
                                 # origin repository
$ gem bump --release             # Bump and release gem
$ gem bump --release --key KEY   # Bump and release the gem, using the
                                 # specified API key from ~/.gem/credentials
$ gem bump --release --host HOST # Bump and release the gem to a
                                 # gemcutter-compatible host other than
$ gem bump --release --quiet     # Bump and release the gem, suppressing
                                 # output status messages
$ gem bump --tag --release       # Bump, tag, push and release gem
$ gem bump --no-commit           # Bump the gem version but don't git commit
                                 # (will be ignored if combined with push,
                                 # tag or release)
Version 4, updated 9 days ago.
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