Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Jacob Bogatin: Robert Koch - Part 3

On March 24, 1882 Koch announced that he was able to identify the bacterium causing tuberculosis. Jacob Bogatin confirms that the publications of Robert Koch on tuberculosis have been identified for the first time the principles that later became known as Koch's postulates, the so-called "triad of Koch":

• This bacterium is present in this disease,
• obtain a pure culture of the microbe,
• experimental result using a pure culture of the same disease.

These principles are still theoretical foundations of medical microbiology.
The study by Koch tuberculosis was interrupted when he was under orders of the German government as part of a scientific expedition went to Egypt and India to establish the cause of the mass of cholera. Working in India, Koch isolated the microbe that causes the disease.
In 1885, Koch became a professor at the University of Berlin and director of the Institute of Hygiene. At the same time he continued to tuberculosis research, focusing on finding ways to treat this disease. In 1890, Koch identified the so-called tuberculin (sterile fluid containing a substance produced by the bacillus of tuberculosis during growth) that cause allergic reactions in patients with tuberculosis. Tuberculin did not apply to treatment of tuberculosis, since therapeutic effects are not possessed. It was found that the tuberculin skin test can be used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
According to Jacob Bogatin this discovery, which played an important role in the fight against tuberculosis in cattle was the main reason for awarding the Robert Koch in 1905, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. In his Nobel lecture, Koch said that if the look once the path, "which passed in recent years to combat this widespread disease such as tuberculosis, we can not but conclude that here was the first important steps."
In 1893 Berlin was shocked by the scandal. According to Jacob Bogatin Professor Koch was 50 at that time divorces his wife and married a young actress Hedwig Freiburg.
People who know little about Koch, often considered him suspicious, and unsociable, but friends and colleagues knew him as kind and sympathetic person. Koch was an avid admirer of Goethe and chess player.
Robert Koch died in Baden-Baden from a heart attack May 27, 1910.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Yakov Bogatin: How to deal with depression

Again, not enough sleep, the morning quarreled with wife, the chief refused to pay raises, and then there's mother-in-law pesters advice ... difficulties at work, with family discord, traffic jams, bad weather - and now life is not a pleasant experience anymore!

According to Yakov Bogatin depression creeps imperceptibly, gradually painting the world in blacks. At first it seems that just a little overworked, that tomorrow a bad mood like a hand lift. But as time goes on, and the quagmire hopelessness tightens deeper. Gradually increasing the total apathy of everything when you do not want anything to do neither, neither think nor feel. Plus, this is often added to the general weakness, headaches, heart and other organs, and, increasingly, there is a desire at once to end this existence. The most common such disrepair can get only with medical advice.

"The age of melancholy" - so dubbed our time idle doctors. Indeed, Yakov Bogatin confirms that depression has become perhaps the most common disease of mankind. The reasons for this and stressful pace of modern life, and constant pressure information, and lack of personal space ... It is not accidental victims of depression tend to become residents of large cities, with more women than men, and knowledge workers often movers and plumbers.

Causes of depression and how to fight it

How to do it? And how to deal with depression, if it does you caught up? Here are a few simple rules from Yakov Bogatin:
Get enough sleep. Usually, depression is accompanied by insomnia. Dream - the best healer. Going to bed, have a well-ventilated bedroom, and if possible leave a window open. This will ensure an adequate supply of fresh air, but then you wake and wake up fresher longer.

In a healthy body - healthy mind. Exercise. Even the usual morning exercises can work wonders, good and proven way to combat the impending depression. Just select a set of exercises that have participated in all muscle groups. Help provide jogging, swimming, bicycling and horseback riding, even walking. And if you are regularly used to maintain good form, but now try to do a complete physical exhaustion. Yakov Bogatin says that this is a nice way to relieve emotional stress.

Alternate the mental work and physical activity. In this sense, reasonable, in a fun, work at the dacha - a panacea for citizens. The sky is blue, the air is fresh, green shoots from the ground punching, muscle ache a little pleasure from a half-hour orudovaniya shovel ... No Depression, because life is ever good!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Jacob Bogatin: Who lives in your mouth?

According to Jacob Bogatin in the mouth of each of us the real jungle of hundreds of different kinds of bacteria, protozoa, fungi and viruses. Manufacturers of toothpastes, brushes and other means of oral health represent a population as an army of evildoers, and the advertising creates the impression that dental caries can be avoided only under the root of destroying the jungle. However, the reality is somewhat more complicated.

Most of these microorganisms inhabit the mouth constantly. This is not surprising. In their habitat year-round heat - about 37 degrees Celsius, constantly wet, and always receives nutrients. In addition to food supplies in the mouth often get foreign objects - fingers, pencils, pens and so on, and each has new microbes. Jacob Bogatin says that at every square millimeter of tissue cheeks, in every fold of gum in each groove language lurking organisms. Even well-polished teeth teeming billions of bacteria.

Most experts together with Jacob Bogatin estimate the number of species of microorganisms live permanently in the human oral cavity, 200 - 500 of them were studied and named only about fifty. They appear quite differently: balloons, ovoids, bacilli, something like a corn cob, bottle brush, spirals, snakes ... They are attached to one place or swim in the saliva, rotating flagellum, as the propeller.

Despite this wealth of species, researchers have long focused their attention on one type of bacteria - streptococcus volatile. This round of bacteria on the teeth only man opened the 20-ies. In 1956 it was discovered that she was able to break down sugar, producing lactic acid, which eats away at tooth enamel, leading to decay.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Jacob Bogatin: Be prepared for a travel if you skin is susceptible to the sun

Jacob Bogatin gives some pieces of advice if your skin is susceptible to the sun rays:

1. Before leaving, buy in the drugstore antihistamines, consult your doctor, dermatologist. If you take contraceptives, antibiotics, note marked "cause photosensitivity, and try to replace them on holiday.

2. When solar allergy Minimize the appearance of the sun until they fix the inflammation of the skin.

3. Try to support the liver with special preparations, normalizing its activities, as well as contributing to the normal metabolism in the body, regeneration of the skin.
These are anti-oxidants, vitamins E, B, C, nicotinic acid, aspirin, indomethacin, klaritin, in extreme cases, suprastin and tavegil.

4. Burning and itching eliminate ointments containing metirulatsil, zinc and lanolin, as well as drop Zirtek and Fenistil gel.

5. Do not neglect treatment, sun allergies can cause eczema, it would be difficult to cure.

6. If you are staying in the resorts of Turkey or Egypt, contact your doctor immediately, they are familiar with these types of skin reactions in the sun and can quickly remove the inflammation, and you calmly go on your vacation. Jacob Bogatin suggests to go to the reception. At the "reception area" in the hotel will prompt you which doctor to ask how to get there, but it is possible that in this hotel has a doctor.

Jacob Bogatin warns that you should not think that solar allergies forever and now you will not be able to fully spend their holidays in the open sun. Finding the cause of the sun allergies and eliminating it, you can leave it forever, so your best sunny days are still ahead.
But many children simply "outgrow" the problem with age.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Jacob Bogatin: Methods to get rid of stress at work (Part2)

Bogatin Jacob continues talking about stress at work and gives other pieces of advice:

5. Inform the head or employees when you feel, that expectations or standards of an estimation of your task are not clear (uncertainty of roles). Tell them that you are not assured concerning a number of the concrete questions connected with the task a little and would like to have possibility to discuss these questions with them.

6. Discuss feeling of boredom or absence of interest to work with the head. Once again consider, it is not necessary to become in position complaining. Bogatin Jacob thinks that it is necessary to explain, that you are a supporter of work demanding forces and would like to have possibility to take part in other kinds of activity.

7. Find every day time for switching-off and rest. Close a door for at least five minutes every morning, lift and place your feet on something, completely relax and forget about work. Address to pleasant thoughts or images to freshen up your brain. Bogatin Jacob thinks that it will be great if you are able to leave office from time to time to replace conditions or a train of thought.

To other factors connected with fall of probability of stress, Bogatin Jacob includes observance of an appropriate food, maintenance of shape by means of physical exercises and achievement of the general balance in a life concern.

So, as Bogatin Jacob suggests the stress is an intense condition of a body, i.e. the nonspecific answer of a body to the demand that is placed in front of it (a stressful situation). Under the influence of stress the human body tests stressful pressure.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Jacob Bogatin: Methods to get rid of stress at work

According to Bogatin Jacob such position when productivity is on the highest level possible, and stress - on the lowest level will be ideal. To reach it, executives and other employees of the organisation should learn how to consult specialists about stress problems. How to operate, to raise productivity and to lower the stress level?

The people suffering from excessive stress on work, can try to apply the following methods.

1. Develop system of priorities at work. Bogatin Jacob is sure that everyone should estimate the work as follows: "should make today", "make later this week" and " make, when there will be time".

2. Learn to speak "is not present", when you will reach a limit after which you cannot incur more work any more. Explain to the chief that he should understand the importance of the task. Then describe concrete priority tasks over which now work. If he insists on performance of the new task, ask him to listen to you first and then tell him you should postpone that kind of work before the end of the new task.

3. Adjust especially effective and reliable relations with your chief. Understand his problems and help him to understand yours. Make your chief learn how to respect your priorities, your workload and to give the proved commissions.

4. Bogatin Jacob thinks that this will be nice if you are able to disagree with your head or someone who starts to expose inconsistent requirements (the conflict of roles). Explain, that these requirements pull you in opposite directions. Ask to arrange a meeting with all the interested parties to find out a solution. Bogatin Jacob as a wise specialist stresses that you must not take an accusatory-aggressive position; simply explain, what concrete problems create for you inconsistent requirements.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Jacob Bogatin: Signs of stressful pressure

We will consider various conditions of the person which can signal the appearance of internal pressure in a body. Jacob Bogatin thinks that a conscious estimation is capable to translate these signals from sphere emotional (feelings) in sphere rational (reason) and by that to liquidate an undesirable condition.

Signs of stressful pressure

1. Impossibility to concentrate on something.

2. Too frequent mistakes at work.

3. Memory worsens.

4. Too often there is a feeling of weariness.

5. Very fast speech. (though Jacob Bogatin is not 100% percent sure about this factor)

6. Thoughts often disappear.

7. There are often pains in the body (a head, a back, stomach area).

8. Hypererethism.

9. Work does not deliver former pleasure.

10. Loss of sense of humour. (once again this is not a crucial factor according to Jacob Bogatin)

11. The quantity of smoked cigarettes sharply increases.

12. Predilection for alcoholic drinks.

13. Constant sensation of undereating.

14. Appetite vanishes - taste to meal in general is lost.

15. Impossibility in time to finish work.

Jacob Bogatin thinks that if we have found out in ourselves the signs of stressful pressure of a body it is necessary to study its reasons attentively.