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Dvor is a new marketplace by OpticsPlanet with the latest and greatest gear at unbelievable prices. We're talking high quality brand name merchandise at low, low prices on shooting, outdoors, sports gear and so much more. Exclusive membership, exclusive deals, but limited time, limited quantities: this is what Dvor is all about. Learn more at!

Having the right memory card for your digital camera is essential to success, but so is having plenty of backups and extras. You may not know how many pictures or how much video you're going to shoot. You need quantity and quality, and quality comes from top brands like AGFAPhoto, SanDisk, Canon and Lexar. We have a wide variety of high storage flash cards, with various storage sizes. Make sure to doublecheck what kind of card your digital camera can use, as some are specially designed for Type I (3.3mm thick) Compact Flash Cards, while others use Type II (5mm thick). Many cameras use SD cards or miniSD cards as well. OpticsPlanet offers these great memory options for your camera, as well as other accessories for proper photography like tripods, lighting control and other accessories like digiscoping adapters and lenses. Find the perfect memory card for your camera right here!

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