Nokia releases Lumia #Switch Windows Phone UK adverts

Nokia has published two videos on its UK YouTube account. The two videos are UK advertisements for the Lumia 820 and Lumia 920 Windows Phones that were announced last month. Windows Phone 8 launched last Friday, and it's time for Microsoft, carriers, retailers and OEM partners to get cracking.

It's an interesting concept that has been warmly received by the YouTube community who have viewed the advertisements. Check out the second advert below.

The advertisements are expected to be broadcasted on television soon while both handsets are stocked by stores to prepare for designated release dates.

Source: Youtube (1), (2); thanks, Mark, for the tip!


There are 28 comments. Add yours.

_Haitian says:

Love the Windows Phone 7.5 let alone what Windows Phone 8. After using all of the smartphone OS that's currently on the market (currently using the iPhone 5 on iOS 6 for work) I much prefer the Windows OS. That's why I bought a micro SIM adapter to switch phones in the weekends or any night that I go out. The OS just makes the phone feel so alive and personal with the live tiles of the people hub seeing all of my friends and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Can't wait to try out the Nokia 920.

willied says:

Pretty good commercial, I'd say. It really shows off the beautiful tiles nicely.

theloz86 says:

Let's get #cantSwitch trending for all those people who aren't on Orange/TMo/EE!

doogie101 says:

I agree, really, really disappointed. Been looking forward to replacing my Lumia 800 with the 920 for months, even got a special savings pot for doing exactly that. But, and it is a big but, I will not be changing networks. So, no sale Nokia, ordered my HTC 8X today

phil2415 says:

I feel the same way. Really want a Lumina 920, but I'm not going to change networks. I'll probably just wait until the exclusivity period ends and get it then, unless something else comes along in the interim (Surface Phone..?)

hwangeruk says:

+1 Add me to the list of VodaFone customers who cant get a Lumia 920.
Its no wonder they are in so much crap Nokia. Announced in September, and it looks January 2013 earliest I can actually buy the phone (not confirmed either). Have they learnt nothing from Apple?
Unbelievable stupidity. If they go under, its this handling of retail that will be the major nail in their coffin.
Announce, then sell. Day after, even 1 week after. 6 months? No, fail.

Ausis74 says:

What about those who are with them and are fed up...I want/need more data and want to make the jump to Three. I am pulling to the idea of buying it SIM Free and getting the One Plan. I also have the problem of my wife not leeting me buy it before my contract is up in Jan....Frustration all round.

she come with the phone??

DrToker says:

Nokia doesn't make ugly accessories.

sholokov says:

She looks like J Leno.

NIST says:

Will this be on TV? Or just YouTube?

Nickkk101 says:

...last paragraph...

natchogrande says:

Saw this ad over the the weekend when I went to see Skyfall at the cinema. Can't have been a cheap spot!

Woembah says:

The ringtone makes it work :)

bjax says:

I'm enjoying the Nokia stuff, but I'd be lying if I didn't say what I'm truly waiting on is an official release date and price from ATT for the 920. Not sure why it's taking so long.

Talbot690 says:

Anyone know if you can make/download custom sounds for txt msgs in wp8?

Doesn't look like it. Check the windows phone 8 review here.. Should clear it up.

splash112 says:

Is this the advert I got an email about from the amazing collective?

splash112 says:

If it was I so wish that I participated in it now... :(

blackhawk556 says:

Do you guys notice they really don't advertise "Windows"? Just Lumia

May be Nokia knows Windows as a bad rep and they are trying to avoid it.

pulkit10 says:

Or because their product is actually called the "Nokia Lumia 920" and not "Windows Phone 8". A advertisement by Microsoft about Windows Phone 8 would be appropriate, not so much Nokia.

texantony says:

this is exactly the problem with Nokia... when was this announced? June? so 5 months ago. Guess they haven't learn how fast the mobile technology moves.

pulkit10 says:

A cute brunette with a British accent showing of her shiny new phone? That's the right way to sell technology, Nokia.

Emilin123 says:

cute commercial

Mohit tyagi says:

ossmm ads nokia samsung take note wp is not just for bussines class
great website change guys 
nokia lumia 920

15israellai says:

Awesome ringtone at the end, classic