Zac Bertschy

Zac Bertschy


Executive Editor, Anime News Network

Southern California ·


Adventure games! Potentially bad ones! Other stuff! Tonight! here in about 5 minutes

Just got accused of colluding with Aniplex because I didn't nail them to a cross for not making everything $30 or less.

Dunno, but not a single person told me to go with AMD when I was building my PC. Was told Intel or nothin'.

Tonight! We desperately try to make King's Quest 6 interesting before moving on! Right here in 5 minutes

Why don't we have you on the podcast at some point and we can hash this out in a civilized forum?

It'd be easier to listen to you as a rational person if this "WEST STEALS EAST" thing didn't dominate your entire thought process.

Everything you say is tainted by this 'western entertainment is ripping off the east' mentality.

There have to be evil bunnies so good bunnies will know how not to hop.

Just played a Wii U demo unit. Man I don't want to play games on that giant screen controller. Lighter than I thought, though!

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