Ace of Clades

MotorCops for kids toy run

Skepticon was my last conference/convention for the year, and 2012 was a great year for me:  The GAC in Australia, the Reason Rally in DC, TAM in Las Vegas, and other events in several other states.  I was on 33 airplanes this year, but I still drove to many of the rallies I attended.  I also used my 9-passenger SUV as a limo to cart around the Dillahunty’s, Prof & Mrs Myers, the cast of Dogma Debate, and several of the VIPs at the Texas Freethought Convention crammed in all at once.  At one point, I think I had the entire Richard Dawkins Foundation in my car.  More importantly, I feel like I did something this year, like I was involved in something that actually mattered -if only on the grass roots level.

But now I finally have maybe three months or so in which to catch up on my backlogue of some 2800 unsorted comments and personal messages still-unread.  So if you wrote to me a month-and-a-half ago, and I haven’t responded, please be patient.  I also really need to take this break to work on my book before the publisher loses patience with me.

This weekend, this Sunday, I’m doing one more thing for charity, but this one isn’t related to atheism, secularism, humanism, or skepticism, and it isn’t promoting science education either.  I finally get to do what I used to do back before I became an activist.  I’m goin’ back to my roots.  I’m gonna ride in the 11th annual Motorcops for Kids toy run donating to underprivileged children for the winter holidays.

It’s normally a beautiful course with several hundred motorcycles cruising together -with police escort provided by four neighboring towns.  So if there are any freethinking godless bikers in the DFW area who would like to putt for a cause this Sunday, you know where I’ll be.  Come ride with me.

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One Response to “MotorCops for kids toy run”

  1. MaryL says:

    Cheers for all the Toy Runs!

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