'That was a freaky goat!' Utah paperboy headbutted off bike, trampled, and trapped in a tree by goat named Voldemort

By Daily Mail Reporter


He’s “the boy that lived.”

Jaxon Gessel earned the Harry Potter moniker after he was attacked by a goat named Voldemort on Tuesday, the Deseret News reported.

The 14-year-old was on his paper route in Smithfield, Utah before dawn when the animal approached him in the darkness.

Gessel first thought the shadowy figure was a dog.

“Then it made a weird noise, kind of like a grunting noise,” he told the News. “I’m like, ‘What the heck is that?’”

Gessel claims Voldemort headbutted him off his bike and then trampled him.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/boy-14-attacked-goat-named-voldemort-article-1.1202781#ixzz2CPcrNLw9

After surviving an encounter with an angry goat Jason Gessel has a new nickname around Smithfield, Utah: 'The Boy Who Lived.'

Gessel, 14, was doing his paper route early Tuesday morning when the animal approached in the darkness. He thought it was a dog.

'Then it made a weird noise, kind of like a grunting noise,' he told The Deseret News. 'I'm like, 'What the heck is that?'

Then it made a weird noise, kind of like a grunting noise,” he told the News. “I’m like, ‘What the heck is that?’”

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/boy-14-attacked-goat-named-voldemort-article-1.1202781#ixzz2CPe4m6IK

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Normally nice: Voldemort the black goat's owner said he was usually good with kids

That sound was the huffing and puffing of Voldemort - an 18-month-old fainting goat.

As their name would clue you in on, fainting goats are narcoleptic and will fall asleep when frightened.


'He’s really happy and plays with the kids,' said owner Marissa Benson said. 'I’ve never had him chase my kids.'

Gessel said Voldemort charged and headbutted him, knocking him off his bike and then trampling him.

'It just freaked me out when it stood up on its hind legs and just wrapped its front legs around me and pulled me off,' he said.


The boy who lived: At first, paperboy Jaxon Gessel thought there was a dog in the yard... then Voldemort headbutted him


Wild thing: Voldemort knocked Jason off of his bike then trampled him

Gessel took shelter in a tree but found himself trapped for an hour.

'It had like a collar on, so I grabbed it by the collar to keep it off the other people because I didn’t want anybody else getting hurt,' he said.

Every time he got down, Voldemort would chase him back up.

As Gessel should have returned from his paper route long ago, Gessel's parents called in a missing person's report and officer Brandon Muir was out looking for him.

As Muir canvassed the neighborhood, he got a call about a boy and a goat.

Muir said the goat was overly-friendly when he arrived at the scene, but not dangerous.

'It jumped me a few times overdue,' he said. 'But he wasn't hard to catch.'


Demonic: Gessel said that Voldemort the goat was 'possessed'

In the end, no one was hurt and Voldemort went back to patrolling his yard.

Though Gessel has to endure some teasing.

'Everybody, they're all, 'Hey, goat boy!' I'm like, 'Hey, guys.'

'People are just like, 'Why are you scared of goats?'' he asked. 'I'm like that was a freaky goat. I think it's like possessed or something.'

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That picture just made my day lol can't stop laughing

Click to rate     Rating   2

........KILL IT !

Click to rate     Rating   4

I'm not trying to be rude, but it sounds like that goat found the boy attractive and was trying to mate with him. Might need to be neutered, the goat, not the boy.

Click to rate     Rating   8

this guy needs to be neutered. Moreso then most of the males I meet...

Click to rate     Rating   1

Time for a visit to the Childhood Goat Trauma Foundation XD

Click to rate     Rating   3

Got butted by one once, the stench!! Never again will I go near one of these disgusting animals.

Click to rate     Rating   2

@ Topsy, who wants to know how goats urinate on their front legs. They have a long thin male part (don't know if DM allows the actual proper anatomy words). They can actually aim their male part off to the side too. So a human standing by the side of a buck could be urinated on. The bucks also turn their head, and urinate into their mouths and beards. They comb the urine in their mouths through the hair on their flanks. With their long male part, they extend it, and urinate all over the back of their front legs. During breeding season they may do it so much they get urine scale and the hair falls out. All of this marking themselves with urine, is so when they mount the doe (female goat), she is COVERED with his stinky scent. This it to try to mask her "in season" scent from other bucks. Bucks also stick their nose and mouth directly into the stream of urinating does, so they can sample the hormones in her urine to see if she's coming into season. Bucks are gross!

Click to rate     Rating   25

Goat: 1. Boy: 0.

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In the words of Brian Fellow, "That goat has devil eyes!"

Click to rate     Rating   18

Great story.

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