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  • 2Aug 11

    Advice Please

    Well hello there Gamespot community.

    I'm in need of your help! Over the last 6 months I've missed out on some fairly big games. The culprit was crazy amounts of work, moving to a new country (technically) and trying to finish a whole load of other games which I'd previously started and not quite finished. Yes I'm one of those silly sausages who insists on playing 5 games at once, muddling up the stories, and then getting infuriated why Ezio doesn't simply cloak, walk up and electrocute the bad guy, and then fly to safety in his chinook helicopter?!

    Anyway, so now i need some new games to play all at once and combine into a gooey mush of confusing plot lines in my head. Suggestions please

    The big games I've missed and am considering are:

    Bullet Storm
    Red Faction Armageddon
    Shadows of the Damned
    Super Meat Boy (I know, I know i need to play this)
    LA Noire (I rented it and got midway through homicide)
    LBP 2
    Infamous 2

    Thanks, appreciate the help!


  • 1Aug 11

    Spot the new guy...

    Today is a huge deal for me. I'm stupidly excited and I won't lie, I didn't sleep a wink last night. I've not experienced excitement like this since Christmas Eve 1993, when I eagerly awaited a Lego monorail set the next day.

    The reason? Today, I started as Junior Video Producer for Gamespot UK. It's an amazing opportunity and one I've arrived at via a slightly unconventional route. My background is mainly in science, but I've loved games as long as I can remember. One of my earliest memories is playing Shuffle Puck Cafe with my dad when I was just five years old. Last year, I ran my own business producing videos, motion graphics and podcasts, and participated in a couple of presenting casting calls and competitions for Lucky Dog Films and IGN respectively. So when i saw this position, I jumped at the chance to apply!

    So, here I am. Fresh off the train from a previous life in chilly Edinburgh, I'll be spending most of my time capturing game footage, helping with new video franchises and generally working as hard as I can to help produce content that you all want to watch. Other than that, I plan to learn my ass off, and become some sort of sea-sponge in an attempt to absorb as much information, hints, tips and awesomeness as possible from this amazing team.

    Feel free to hit me up on Twitter or through the Gamespot community channels. I'll keep you up to date with what I'm working on, so be sure to follow my blog for more as it happens!


    Twitter @camfrazrob

    • Posted Aug 1, 2011 7:32 am GMT

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