About Robin Bloor

Robin Bloor: A Short Bio

[singlepic=889,150,530,web20,right]Robin Bloor is a leading technology analyst, authority and an influencer in the IT industry. He is currently a Partner with Hurwitz and Associates in the US and also maintains contacts with Bloor Research, the analyst company he founded and established in the UK.

Originally a developer and project manager working in the UK insurance industry, Bloor became a consultant with CMG (now CMG Logica) and a few years later, established a software house (Mayneland Ltd), which was sold in 1985. In 1989 he founded Bloor Research and has since been a consultant and IT analyst. He operated out of the UK until 2002, when he became resident in Texas and began to acquire a reputation in the US. In 2002 he was awarded an honorary Ph D by Wolverhampton University in the UK in recognition of his services to the IT Industry.

In 2000, he began blogging on an occasional basis on IT-Director.com, a web site he designed and built in 1998. In November 2007, he decided it was time to blog on a more regular basis and hence he built this site.

Blogging gave him the opportunity to publish anything he was involved in. Consequently he publishes distinctly different streams of information on the blog:

  1. Technical commentary and industry analysis as a side-effect of the IT analysis work that he does.
  2. Comments on matters scientific and publishes some information on global warming and related issues
  3. Photographs with short essays attached to each
  4. Humorous and satirical writing.
  5. etc. (the blog has become a vehicle to publish anything…)

For further information about Bloor, click on any of the following links:

To Contact Robin Bloor

To connect with Bloor on Linked in click here
To follow Bloor on Twitter click here.

A Summary of Bloor’s Writing Activities
Information about Bloor As A Speaker
Mentions of Bloor in the Press: In The Press
An Interview An Analyst Interviewed About AR
Information on all types of work Bloor undertakes: What Do Analysts Do?
An image of Bloor in the IT Analyst Gallery: Bloor, The Signal and The Noise

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