
Media: Femen women's group tries to break into parliament

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Dec. 12, 2012, 11:57 a.m. | Politics — by Interfax-Ukraine

Members of Ukrainian women's rights group Femen, during a topless march in Paris, Sept, 18 (pictured). On Dec. 12 Femen activists tried to break into the building of the Verkhovna Rada in Kyiv, which was holding its first sitting of the new parliament.
© AP

Members of the women's movement Femen tried to break into the building of the parliament before the opening of the first sitting of the Verkhovna Rada of the seventh convocation.

According to the Ukrainska Pravda publication, several half-naked women were detained by force near the entrance of the parliament. The police arrested several activists of the movement and took them away from the entrance.

After the incident, the security services of the parliament locked all entrances to the building and some MPs, including Serhiy Kivalov, Vasyl Petiovka, and Pavlo Baloha, could not enter the parliament for 10 minutes.

Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov was also unable to enter the parliament for some time.

"They're afraid that we might take off more clothes than necessary," the ambassador joked.

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