
Flu death toll in Ukraine climbs to 135

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Nov. 7, 2009, 12:35 p.m. |
As many as 135 people have died from the flu and other acute respiratory viral infections in Ukraine as of November 6, including 25 who had died over the previous 24 hours, the Ukrainian Health Ministry reported on Saturday.

Since the moment the epidemic started to spread, 871, 037 people have been diagnosed with flu and other respiratory viral infections, including 101, 317 over the past 24 hours. As many as 39, 603 of these people have been hospitalized, including 4, 732 over the past 24 hours, and 317 are in intensive care. Since the moment the epidemic started to spread, 871, 037 people have been diagnosed with flu and other respiratory viral infections, including 101, 317 over the past 24 hours. As many as 39, 603 of these people have been hospitalized, including 4, 732 over the past 24 hours, and 317 are in intensive care.
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Anonymous Nov. 8, 2009, 1:48 p.m.    

Please tell me cases of swine flue in kraine.Is the cases are 0.6 to 0.8 million.How?Is swine flue is fastest speed in Ukraine.Ukraine is largest swine flue infected country.How?

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