Kevin McKeever

A graduate of the lighting design program from Emerson College, Kevin has been working in the entertainment industry for nearly 15 years. He has worked in theater production at world class venues such as the Goodspeed Opera House, the Emerson Majestic Theater, Foxwoods Casino, and the Mohegan Sun Resort which he helped open in 1996.

His television production credits include Jackass, Kids Say the Darnedest Things, Guinness Book of World Records, Krypton Factor,, The 60's as well as various television commercials. His film credits include Mystery Men, For Love of the Game, and Billy Frankenstein. Kevin has also served as Assistant VP of Production for feature film producer and New York Times best-selling author Lynda Obst.

Kevin's first official assignment in the Robotech universe was as an audit of Robotech's television ratings and viewer demographics during its original run in the 1980s. Kevin's analysis of the ratings in a cost effective manner along with his years of production experience made him a natural candidate for the Robotech team.

Jeff Ryan

In retrospect, far too many of Jeff Ryan's childhood memories are Nintendo related. He remembers being terrified of Chaos, the ultimate villain from Final Fantasy: he took up almost the entire screen! One Thanksgiving, he played Mega Man 2 all morning, then paused it to have a 3,500-calorine 3 pm dinner and then go to see Back to the Future II. When he got back from the movie, hours later, he unpaused the game and beat it before a 2,000-calorie midnight snack.

He joined a ’90s dotcom,, a popular news and entertainment portal for teenagers. The site attracted over one million unique visitors a day and provided content for AOL, MSN and AT&T Wireless. As the video game reporter (and copy editor for the entire site—he can debate dangling participles for seven hours), he reviewed over 500 games. He toured Nintendo, interviewed its top designers, and resisted the urge to name his first daughter Zelda (which Robin Williams did do, seriously, Wikipedia it). He also reported and wrote quizzes on pop culture and technology: one quiz received over a million clicks during one weekend.

Just as Katrillion was the poster child of the dotcom boom, so, too, it was for the dotcom bust. The site closed in 2003. His story of Katrillion’s rise and fall is featured in Katy McColl’s 2005 advice book Should I Do What I Love? He has written for, and read horror stories on All Things Considered. No, seriously.