Donate to the Plone Foundation!

Plone Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that protects and promotes Plone. By donating to the Foundation, you help ensure that Plone Foundation has the means to continue its ongoing mission to protect and promote Plone.

Donations are tax-deductible in the US, and you will receive a receipt from the Plone Foundation after the donation has been processed. If you are a Plone provider, please consider becoming a Plone Foundation Sponsor to receive additional benefits.

Suggested Donations

Individual: If you are an individual that uses Plone as a website, to run your sports club page or similarly make use of Plone, the suggested donation is $10 USD per month ($120 USD per year).

Company: If you use Plone to run central systems in your company (intranets, public web pages) the suggested donation is $50 USD per month ($600 USD per year).

Provider: If you are a Plone integrator and have clients that rely on the software for their intranets, public web pages, or custom applications, please consider becoming a Plone Foundation Sponsor.

While we are grateful for every amount, please do not donate under $5, as the processing costs are not worth it.

There are several ways to donate:

  • Ammado is the best choice for monthly payments and/or non US currencies and local payment systems. If you wish to donate in a non-US (or Canadian) currency, Ammado has better exchange rates than your credit card company or PayPal.
  • PayPal accepts many major credit cards as well as bank transfers. For monthly paypal donations, please see our page on sponsorship payments.
  • Checks can be made out to "Plone Foundation" and sent to
    Plone Foundation
    PO Box 344
    Fortville, IN 46040
  • Wire Transfer is also accepted. Please contact Jen Myers, Plone Foundation Treasurer at in order to arrange a wire transfer.

Thank you for your support!

Plone Consulting Firms

A new way to support Plone and receive special recognition on!

As of January 2009, Plone consulting firms are invited to become Plone Foundation sponsors, and to receive sponsor benefits including featured listings on

Donate via Ammado
Donate via PayPal