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Snapchat bug leaves 'self-destructing' videos accessible in iOS filesystem

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Snapchat might let you send videos that disappear after a few seconds, but its users should probably know that the content isn’t deleted — the recipient can still access it just by plugging his or her iPhone into a computer. BuzzFeed reports that by using a free, readily-available file browsing app you can still grab copies of the expired videos from your iOS device (no word on Android...

Photorealistic painting was good enough for a driving license

Taking a good photograph of yourself for a driving license or passport can be a daunting task due to the strict rules, yet Swedish artist Fredrik Saker had no trouble getting his remarkable painting approved. Upon renewing his driving license, the artist decided to try his hand at a...

Photo realistic self-portrait

Flickr offers three months of free Pro access to new and existing users

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Flickr, the popular photo-sharing service owned by Yahoo, has given an early Christmas present to all users, offering three months of its Pro service for free. Pro accounts generally cost $24.95 per year and offer a number of advantages, including unlimited uploads, high-resolution downloads and the ability to post in up to 60 separate groups. Users can access the offer by using the link flickr.com/holidaygiftaccording to an FAQ, even newly-created accounts are eligible to receive the...

Exploring the vintage surroundings of Portland's high-speed internet hub

via cabeldotme.files.wordpress.com

Find the right basement in Portland, Oregon, and you'll step into a time capsule. Entrepreneur Cabel Maxfield Sasser has posted a photo essay of his trip through a modern regional network hub that may also have once been The Oregonian's newsroom. Around fiber optic cables that evoke our recent trip to Verizon, Sasser captures notes and calculations scrawled on the wall, snatches of newsprint, and photo collages of flappers and beachgoers. "100...

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Learn how to 'spin' your DSLR around a building that's 1,815 feet tall

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It seems like a basic enough concept: moving in a circle, take dozens of photos of a particular building and then stitch them all together in a video. The resulting effect can make it appear as if your camera is literally spinning around the subject, but only if the entire process is done with care. To that end, Candy Glass Productions has produced a video tutorial that reveals the secrets behind this neat photography trick. It all starts with...