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Nightsister zombies

Undead Warriors



The world Dathomir holds many dark secrets -- such as ancient incantations that could raise the dead. When the planet was attacked by the Separatists during the Clone Wars, the most ancient and knowledgeable of the Nightsister clan used her power to stir the bodies of the Nightsisters graveyard. From preserved cocoons built to resemble the trees of Dathomir emerged mummified warriors. The shrieking zombies mindlessly attacked their enemies, swarming over battle droids in droves.


  1. The Clone Wars


Old Daka

Old Daka

Old Daka is the oldest of the Nightsisters. She alone could wield the power to raise the army of the dead. When General Grievous impaled Daka with his lightsaber, her sway over the Nightsister zombies abruptly ended.

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Mother Talzin

Mother Talzin

Mother Talzin entreated Old Daka to help the overwhelmed Nightsisters by using her powers. As the Nightsister zombies attacked the Separatists, Talzin concentrated on her own revenge against Count Dooku.

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General Grievous

General Grievous

The Nightsister zombies tore through the battle droids under General Grievous's command. Even when slashed by lightsabers, the zombies continued their attack.

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The strange magicks of the Nightsisters are strongest when on their native world of Dathomir, meaning that many of their most powerful talents can only be found on this distant world.

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Asajj Ventress

Asajj Ventress

Asajj Ventress led the charge of the Nightsister zombies in their attack against the invading Separatists.

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Nightsister zombies began life as Nightsisters. The Nightsisters carefully tended to their dead, preserving their bodies in cocoons meant to resemble the trees of the Dathomirian swamps and forests.

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