Randy Torban | 336.264.0403 | randy@emergencyalertblog.com

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I need Life Alert because I have anemia

Published on July 22, 2011 By Randy

As soon as a prospective member tells me they get dizzy, are unsteady on their feet, and have passed out at times – I know Life Alert is the answer. And sometimes, the person knows it too. Mia from North Carolina called to find out more details about the Life Alert system after receiving the [...]


My husband’s sugar drops and he gets dizzy

Published on April 25, 2011 By Randy

How is it that a person caring for a spouse with diabetes can be so naive about what could happen. Maybe it’s that they are just in denial. Percy is 69 and is from Georgia. His wife, Verthelia, called to talk about what Life Alert has to offer. When I asked her the concern, she [...]


I lost my balance and fell while holding a knife

Published on March 26, 2011 By Randy

As anyone who has fallen can tell you, everything around you becomes your enemy. The nice, seemingly harmless coffee table could cut you on the way down. The polished, clean floor can break any bone in your body. But what if you were holding something in your hands when you fell? Dorothy from Texas called [...]


It’s nice to know my kids care enough to call

Published on March 25, 2011 By Randy

Sometimes I’ll call a person back, and they will tell me that they did not call in the first place. After just a little bit of detective work, I usually find it was a concerned child who calls to get information for a parent. I tell these people how lucky they are to have children that [...]


I was able to call, but wasn’t able to speak

Published on February 25, 2011 By Randy

Members have told me that during some emergencies, getting to a phone to call for help wasn’t the issue. Rather, the issue was being able to communicate the problem to their children or to the 911 dispatcher. They simply couldn’t talk. Theola from Ohio called us just after her last medical emergency. “I’m 76, I live [...]

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