Commute Statistics
Statistic Verification
Source: National Household Travel Survey, US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Research Date: 8.23.2012
Commuter StatisticsData
Total number of commuters in the U.S.128.3 Million
Suburb to Suberb Commuters40.8 Million
Within City Commuters27.4 Million
Rural to Rural Commuters20.4 Million
Suberb to City Commuters18.2 Million
Central City to Suburb Commuters8 Million
Outer Suburb to Inner Suburb Commuters3.6 Million
Outer Central City to Inner Suburb2.6 Million
Central City to Rural "Extreme Commuters"0.4 Million
American Commute Distance (One Way)Percent
1-5 Miles29 %
6-10 Miles22 %
11-15 Miles17 %
16-20 Miles10 %
21-25 Miles7 %
26-30 Miles5 %
31-35 Miles3 %
35 + Miles8 %
Stretch-Commuting StatisticsData
"Stretch Commute" trips are at least 50 miles one way.
Number of Americans who "stretch-commute"3.3 million
Percent of stretch-commuters that travel between 75-199 miles32 %
Percent of stretch-commuters who commute 16 or more days a month36.6 %
Percent of stretch-commutes done by personal vehicle96 %
Percent of stretch-commutes done by males84 %
Percent of stretch-commuters with household incomes above $50,00058 %
Percent of stretch-commuters with manufacturing / construction jobs21 %
Percent of stretch-commuters with professional / managerial / technical jobs39 %
Percent of stretch-commuters with sales / service jobs28 %
Percent of stretch-commuters with clerical / administrative jobs12 %
Mode Used by US CommutersData
Drive Alone75.7 %
Carpool12.19 %
Bus2.52 %
Walk3.26 %
Bike0.38 %
Subway1.45 %

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