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Stage and Spot Lamps

Spot & Stage Lamps

"The things that light up the stage!"

Whether you need stage lamps for a professional production or plain old light bulbs, StageSpot is the spot for lighting. We carry a wide array to satisfy all your stage lighting needs, including ellipsoidal and fresnel lamps, Martin lighting and cyc lamps. Even LED stage lighting and specialty theatrical lighting! Our most popular lamps include HPLs, in 750W and 575W extended life (priced as low as $13.75 each); FLK and FKW lamps and a full line of MSR and HTI lamps. Plus the old standard PAR lamps. We have them for all your needs: from PAR 16, 36, 38, 46, 56 and 64. StageSpot stocks specialty lamps, too - like red cue-light lamps, Littlite board lamps and strobe lamps.

If you can't find a particular stage lamp (or other theatrical supplies) at our website, or if you need help figuring out what type of lamp your fixture takes, give us a call. We'll help you determine which stage lighting you need and get it out to you pronto! We're dedicated to fulfilling your needs® and we'd hate to leave you in the dark! And when it comes to pricing on stage lamps and spot lamps, you can be sure we won't "socket to ya!"

Lamps - Ellipsoidal Lamps- Follow Spot
Lamps - Fresnel Lamps - Strobe
Lamps - Moving Lamps - CYC
Lamps - PAR  Lamps - Other
Lamps - LED