How To Generate Sales Leads in 30 Days Using Inbound Marketing

by Greg_Digneo on May 28, 2010

*This is a Guest Post by Greg Digneo*

When you ask someone with a successful social media presence how to build your own audience, the answer most often is, “Write a blog post, Tweet it to your following, and share it on Facebook and LinkedIn.”   But what if you do not have many followers on Twitter or Facebook Fans?

A few weeks ago, my company decided to start a process to answer the question:  “How can a business that does not have many hits on their website, has no followers on Twitter, and no Fans on Facebook, generate sales leads using inbound marketing in only 30 days?”

Here’s our story about how we’re building our own buzz in 30 days.

Create a Story

The web is a crowded space and you are in constant competition to earn your target audience’s attention.  We have come to realize that your competition does not just reside in your industry, but is everywhere.  Think about what you read – whether it pertains to your business or not.  What stories resonate with you the most?  It can be a blog post on how to grow your business, or news relating to your favorite football team, or the heartfelt story of a mother reunited with her child.  All content producers are competing for your time, and no matter how you spend it, you only have 24 hours a day.

Before writing a blog post, and before building your social media plan, you first need a story that will resonate with your ideal customer.  At Cloud Marketing Labs, we want to be known as the firm who can deliver sales leads in 30 days using Social Media.  We feel this is something our audience can wrap their hands around, and will help us stand out from some of our marketing firm competitors.


You cannot join every network and be successful at all of them in 30 days.  You need to focus all of your time and energy on 2 or 3 platforms.  We chose blogging, public relations, and Pay Per Click (PPC).


After writing great content pertaining to your story, you need an audience to read it.  In order to grow our audience, we would share our most helpful posts with friends and customers by emailing them a link to the post and asking them to share it with their friends.

The key here is not to abuse your contacts.   Only send a few posts, otherwise, you risk becoming a bit of a spammer and annoying.    Even if you do not have a large following on Facebook, Twitter, etc., chances are someone who you are in regular contact with does, and will be happy to share helpful information with their network.

Public Relations

We found many blogs, such as Real Time Marketer, looking for guest posters and fresh content.  If your story is compelling and unique, chances are they will allow you to leverage their network and help you grow your audience and expand your reach.

By pitching our “Sales Leads in 30 Days Using Social Media” story to various blogs and friends, we have been able to set up a few guest posts over the course of these 30 days.  We get the benefit of expanded reach, and they get the benefit of new voices.

We are also going to submit a news release announcing a webinar where we will share this story with small and mid-sized business owners.  However, instead of emailing the news release to journalists, we are going to use the online distribution service PRWeb.  This will help with our search rankings and increase the visibility of our story as it gets picked up by various news aggregation sites.

Pay Per Click

Our final focus is on PPC advertising.  However, instead of using Adwords, we decided to use Facebook’s advertising platform.  There are two main reasons for this.  First, it is cheaper.  We are in a competitive space, and Adwords clicks would be well over $1.00 per click to get onto the first page.  Second, Facebook ads will help you develop your buyer persona.  You have visibility on things like age, gender, likes, and job titles that you are unable to see using Google Adwords.  This will help us target our ads more precisely, increasing the efficiency of our campaign.

So far so good, our straregy is currently working.  We’re offering a webinar where we will share this marketing plan in more details and our learning’s from it.

Below is a link you can click on to sign up.

Greg Digneo is founder of Cloud Marketing Labs, a marketing service that helps small and midsized businesses generate sales leads in 30 days using inbound marketing.  He is hosting the webinar “How to generate sales leads in 30 days using social media” and is co-author of the Cloud Marketing Labs blog.

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  • Brian


    Good article and well thought out. I like the 'keep it simple' approach when first starting out – very helpful in avoiding the pitfalls of too many choices.

    Your choice of Facebook for PPC advertising makes sense, though it may not be the best platform for all businesses.


  • lauren

    Save time, energy and money with facebook wizard! Send mass messages, comments, likes, friend adds, and more to thousands of people within minutes, without getting banned!

  • Greg Digneo

    Thank you Brian.

    The Facebook advertising platform is definitely not ideal for some businesses. It requires testing; and an in depth knowledge of the customer.

    Keeping it simple was a blessing for us. We would not have had the time otherwise.


  • sbishop

    Great post Greg. Just curious as to how much you recommend spending on Facebook ads? Is $100 enough for some results? $500? I know it depends on keywords but just curious on your sights.

  • Greg Digneo

    Thanks Scott.

    This might not be the answer you are looking for, but it truly depends on your budget. However, I do have some advice here.

    The cost per click on my Facebook ads were less than $1 – so for about $20 a day, you are able to generate somewhere between 20-30 visitors to your landing page a day. By the end of the 3rd day, especially if you've been optimizing your landing page in real time, you'll have a great feel for what converts the traffic and what doesn't. Once you have a landing page that's actually performing and converting traffic at an acceptable rate, then you can scale your budget up from $20.

    The whole time we did this, we never spent more than $20 per day. Our entire campaign cost us less than $150. (*In case you are wondering, when we started this project, we had only 1 visitor to our website. 30 days later, we had over 1200 visitors to our website and over 100 attendees to our webinar.)

    Start small. There is no need pay a lot of money for your mistakes.

  • sbishop

    Great advice Greg. I'm looking into Facebook ads but I'm a novice as of right now. I appreciate the insights.

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