Heartburn Symptoms

If you believe you have heartburn (or acid reflux or GERD), then this is the article for you! If you believe you have any of the symptoms listed below, please check out our “Heartburn Remedies” articles or “Heartburn No More!” review. If you believe you symptoms are much worse than what was stated, don’t hesitate to seek medical attention immediately!

This article will be split up into three parts: The symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux (since they are similar), the symptoms of GERD, and the difference in symptoms between heartburn and a heart attack. It will be in a list, then details, format!

Heartburn/Acid Reflux Symptoms:

Burning Sensation in Chest
Burning Sensation in the Throat
Regurgitation or Sour Taste in Mouth
Difficult Time Swallowing
Chest Pain
Chronic Coughing

Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux, those with acid reflux might not have heartburn, but the symptoms of both are similar. The number one heartburn symptom would be a burning sensation in you chest. This is usually how you can tell if you have heartburn. The burning sensation occurs behind the breastbone in the chest after heartburn is caused, usually due to food. The next symptom would be burning of the throat, or a sore throat. You might feel as if acid was irritating the back of your throat, well, it is. This can also lead to a sour or acidic taste in your mouth, similar to how you feel after you throw up, taste-wise that is. All of this acid in your throat might also make it difficult to swallow at all, which is usually how it is with a sore throat. If the acid in your throat is aspirated, then it may also lead to a chronic cough. The last symptom is dyspepsia, which is a medical term for, “my stomach hurts.” If you have dyspepsia, then you might be burping, feel bloated, feel nauseous, or feel upper abdominal pain.

GERD Symptoms

Chest Pain
Chronic Dry Cough
Difficult Time Swallowing
Bad Breath

Heartburn is a symptom of GERD, those with GERD might not have heartburn, but chronic heartburn or acid reflux leads to GERD. The similar symptoms I explained above. The lungs can be affected by the acid over a period of time, which can cause your breathing tubes to shrink. Hoarseness is a more severe version of a sore throat, but not too much different. Due to all of the acid buildup in your throat and mouth, your breath won’t be smelling too fresh. Laryngitis is when you lose your voice.

Heartburn or Heart Attack? -
Symptom Comparison

Heartburn Symptoms – burning sensation near breastbone, usually occurs after meals or when lying on back, responds quickly to antacids, pain normally does not radiate (to shoulders, neck, or arms), and is rarely accompanied by a cold sweat.

Heart Attack Symptoms – A feeling of tightness or pain generally in the center of the chest, shortness of breath, dizziness, pain may spread (to shoulders, neck, jaw or arms), sudden chest pain, lightheaded, accompanied by a cold sweat, and pain usually responds quickly to nitroglycerin.

The differences are clear. Now you should be able to tell apart heartburns from heart attacks! Now you may be wondering. What causes heartburn? Check out “Heartburn Causes” to find out!