Acid Reflux Disease Treatment 1

Acid reflux disease treatment range from medical therapy to non-surgical anti-reflux procedures all designed to help reduce the symptoms of GERD.

The question is which treatment will provide the best response for you?

Over the counter medications, medications prescribed by your family doctor or surgery… there is not one right answer but it is best to start with the most simple treatments first to see if they will work to reduce your heartburn before moving on to more invasive procedures.

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid regurgitates into the esophagus. The esophagus carries food and liquid into the stomach and when acid reflux occurs it can leave a bitter taste in the mouth and a burning sensation in the throat.

The most common acid reflux disease treatment is antacids.

Antacids, used for quite some time to treat heartburn, should be taken thirty to sixty minutes before eating a meal or at bedtime.

Individuals who suffer from acid reflux notice that once the body is still and laying in a flat position the reflux can begin to cause pain in the abdomen and mid chest area often described as severe burning type pain. Some people report the pain to feel much like one would describe chest pain.

Over the counter medications such as Maalox, Mylanta, Gelusil and Extra Strength Ripoan are most commonly used to treat acid reflux.

Individuals searching for acid reflux disease treatment report good relief with many of these medications. They are also reportedly some of the most effective for over the counter use.

Again, it can really be trial and error to find out which medication works best as your acid reflux disease treatment.

If you find that over the counter medications are not effective to relieve your GERD, then perhaps, Gaviscon, a medication prescribed by your family physician, would be a better choice. Gaviscon works by placing a layer of foam over the fluid in the stomach in order to prevent acid reflux.

More on acid reflux