January 25, 2013 6:28 pm

Fund costs compared

Investors wanting to keep their costs down can now compare the all-in costs of almost 3,000 funds available over execution-only platforms using a new price comparison website.

Candid Money, the company behind www.comparefundplatforms.com, said the site featured 2,858 products from six platforms and allowed investors to compare projected returns – including within wrappers for self-invested personal pensions and individual savings accounts – after all commissions, fees and rebates.


IN Investments

The six platforms include Alliance Trust, Cavendish, Bestinvest and Interactive Investor.

Justin Modray, founder of Candid Money, said data for ICICI, Sippdeal and TD Direct Investing will be uploaded shortly. However, he added that Hargreaves Lansdown, one of the biggest platforms, had declined to supply data for the venture.

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