FT.com RSS feed terms of use

You may download our RSS feeds and view them for your personal use. We currently publish headlines and teaser text within our RSS feeds. You may also make an RSS feed available to third parties, users within an organisation you work for or users of a website that you publish, on condition that you comply with our Terms & Conditions and that you:

• only publish the feed for access via a web-based browser.

• do not use or publish the feed as part of a paid for service or for other commercial gain.

• publish the feed as it is made available on FT.com, so that you only include the headline and teaser content, and ensure that the headline links back to the full text article on FT.com.

• attribute the feed to the FT as “© The Financial Times Limited [year]”.

• do not archive the feed or any of its content.

• comply with our guidelines on usage of FT logos, see http://www.ft.com/servicestools/help/legallinks.

If you have any feedback or enquiries regarding the FT.com RSS service, please contact our customer service team.