New Free Champion Rotation (Season Two: Week 30)

By: Zevri posted at Jun 20, 2012 12:47 am

Category: League of Legends, Game: League of Legends, 2305 Views

Tags: champion   rotation   f2p  

So I am a day late on this one, that is partially due to all the problems the site was experiencing yesterday, which prevented me from really even accessing my blog, but, moving on. Summoners it is a new week to see people fail which champs they get to try for the first time, or give you a chance to play champs you want, but haven't gotten around to buying yet. So I ask the same question I ask many a time, "What are your picks this week?"

After asking that, and waiting for a response, I list the champions I like for the week and give a bit of a reasoning why. This week champs I like are; Annie, Fiddlesticks, Teemo, Leona, Graves, and Fiora. Ones I will talk about are; Teemo, Leona, and Fiora.

Teemo the cute but deadly Yordle is a lot of fun to play. Nothing like getting out of the blue kills because someone walked through a landmine of mushrooms. Also, with the recent fixes they finally rolled out for him, he is deadlier than ever. I know some people like to go pure ad or some like to go pure ap with him, I tend to like to go a more hybrid build with him getting some ap and ad, but topping it off with an item like madreds blood razors. I like the ap part to help with his poison and give some more damage to his shrooms, but the AD aspect also really helps out when he gets stuck 1v1ing someone while running into someone by surprise while placing mushrooms. The build has worked fairly well so far, but I haven't really tested it in anything like ranked yet, mostly the normal settings.

Leona, well, I don't have much build advice for her, but I can say she is a very nice tank. She can take a crapton of damamge without flinching and with her hold/stuns, she makes a great laning partner for someone that deals heavy damage.

Last but not least, Fiora. She can deal tons of damage, and just dominate someone in 1v1 combat, especially with her ult which can turn a losing battle to a winning one. Though with free week going on I have seen a lot of bad players using her lately. One that happened today didn't take advantage of the heavy damage she should do, and instead decided to try to build her more tanky, which made her hit like a pillow and die usually first in every team fight. As for how I build her, I tend to try to take advantage of her high damage by building more onto that with items like bloodthirster and Inifinity. I also do like to get trinity to help give her some HP, plus the bonus damage with sheen since she does spam skills a lot and since that activates sheen, she can do some nice burst damage against a champion as well. Don't forget though, that her ult does work with lifesteal, so having the higher life drain from an item like bloodthirster does help when you ult one or more champions, and can heal you pretty well.

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