FaceTite – Minimally invasive face lift

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FaceTite is a new, effective method of treating saggy, facial skin. It uses energy-assisted skin tightening technology to deplete the loose areas of the skin, giving a tighter, more toned appearance. The results are an overall younger looking, and face with a smoother complexion.

How does it work?

FaceTite uses a computer controlled, hand held device to apply radio frequency energy to the area of the face or neck to be treated. The device is a very fine probe inserted via a tiny incision into the fatty layer of the skin, just beneath the surface.

A local anaesthetic is used to ensure minimum discomfort.

Whilst the probe is passed under the skin, a surface electrode glides along on gel that is applied to the surface of the skin to help smooth the action. A pulse mode is used initially, then a continuous mode is used until the warmer target temperature is reached.

Each area just a few minutes to be treated, and the results are visible as the procedure takes place.

At Snowberry Lane Clinic, we conduct fractional resurfacing of the skin following the procedure, to get the best results.

What areas can be treated?

FaceTite can be used to address saggy jowels, wrinkled neck and hooded brows and eyelids.

Does it hurt?

FaceTite procedures are minimally invasive, without the use of a scalpel, obviating the need for a major surgery. It is therefore the preferred treatment for patients with underlying medical condition. Risks to health are minimal and there is no need for general anaesthetic.

The procedure is conducted using local anaesthetic and patients may feel a slight tugging or tightening sensation which is not painful. The area may be a little sensitive post-treatment but this is generally short lived.

Who is FaceTite appropriate for?

FaceTite is a treatment aimed at mature, over 40’s whose natural skin elasticity has declined, resulting in loose areas of facial skin. It is equally effective on men and women.

Your qualified practitioner at Snowberry Lane Clinic can advise on whether this is the best treatment for you. We have ready available appointments for a no obligation consultation where you can ask any questions you may have. Call us today to book your initial meeting.


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