By Sean Kleefeld

I’ll have to admit to being remiss in my coverage of webcomics here. I’ve been yammering on for nearly 100 columns about webcomics, and I have yet to go really step beyond the anglophonic ones. That is, everything I’ve talked about and looked at has been pretty much limited to webcomics that are written in English. I did touch on foreign languages in webcomics once back in 2011, but it was mostly from the framework of English webcomics translated into other languages. We’re talking about comics on the WORLD wide web here, so it should come as no surprise that people who speak languages other than your native tongue might also choose to do webcomics on their own. Read More...

Photo Credit: Nikita Bogolyubov

You already know who Felicia Day is: she’s the Queen of the Nerds. And you already know what "The Guild" is: it’s the web series about a group of MMORPG players who end up as much a part of each other’s real lives as their virtual ones. But what you may not know is that after the past few seasons premiered on MSN and X-Box, the next season - the series’ sixth - will show up only on Day’s Geek & Sundry channel on YouTube. But don’t worry... As Day told us over the phone, it’ll see the same show you know and love.


By Sean Kleefeld

Derek Kirk Kim came to prominence with his debut graphic novel, Same Difference and Other Stories. He’s worked on a variety of projects since then, and his latest two revolve around the story of Andy Go. He’s telling Andy’s stories through the webcomic TUNE and the YouTube series Mythomania. We were able to have a chat with Kim between chapters and seasons.

MTV Geek: I like to start interviews off with early experiences and influences. Since you were born in South Korea, I'm particularly interested in hearing what types of comics or cartoons may have an impact or resonated with you as a child.

Derek Kirk Kim: The earliest comics and cartoons I remember being obsessed with (and I always was as far back as I can remember) was Marine Boy, Star Blazers, Captain Harlock and the original Gundam. I didn't really remember anything about the story in these comics and cartoons as I experienced them when I was really young, maybe as early as 3-5 years old, but some of the images from these cartoons and comics and what was happening around the experience of watching or reading them is as vivid in my mind as my memories of real life. If anything, the images from these cartoons and comics are even more vivid because of the rich, saturated colors that were used in cartoons back then. Read More...

The hilarious "My Gimpy Life" was recently (pretty much JUST) brought to my attention by a Tweet from its star/creator Teal Sherer, who fans of "The Guild" should know as "Venom." For those of you who, like me, are unfamiliar with the recently launched web series, here's the synopsis from the official website:

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