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Meet Harry Beck, the genius behind London's iconic subway map

© Ken Garland, courtesy of London Transport Museum

© Ken Garland, courtesy of London Transport Museum

You won't find Harry Beck's face on any coins or postage stamps, but his fingerprints are all over London. Born in 1902, Beck was an English engineering draftsman who sparked a small revolution in the early 1930s when he created a radical new map of the London Underground.

His linear, color-coded diagram was at first greeted with...

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California summer camp helps tech addicts unplug and power down

computer lab (shutterstock)

This June, an Oakland-based company called Digital Detox will hold a retreat designed to help tech-addled adults unplug, power down, and get back in touch with their offline selves. As the Guardian reports, the aptly-named Camp Grounded is just one of several wellbeing programs offered by Digital Detox, an organization that aims to help people "step back into the natural rhythm of life." For $305, Camp Grounded attendees can spend four gadget-free days playing games like truth or dare and engaging in "laughing contests." According to Digital Detox, relationships at Camp Grounded "are based on real-life connections, and the most important status we'll update is our happiness."

"the most important status we'll update is our happiness." Camp Grounded


Turning the tables on trolls: 'Tropes vs. Women' creator talks harassment at GDC

Anita Sarkeesian

Anita Sarkeesian recently released the first episode of "Tropes vs. Women in Video Games," a web series critiquing "damsels in distress" and other stereotypes. But its success on Kickstarter and now YouTube has come at a heavy price: not long after launching the Kickstarter, she became the target of an uncommonly focused and vitriolic backlash from people who took her website offline, flooded the internet with obscene or violent photoshops of her, and repeatedly threatened to kill or rape...


Death is dead: how modern video game designers killed danger

Spec Ops: The Line

"The word 'Newtown' is something we need to be thinking about and having conversations about."

It's a jarring moment at GDC 2013's Narrative Summit, where writers gather to swap tips on everything from creating relatable characters to finding freelance work. Debates over gaming violence have been particularly active in the past year: a blood-soaked set of E3 2012 presentations left even fans of shooters uncomfortable, and the killings in...

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An optimistic theory of Bitcoin as a 'hedge against the entire global currency system'

Bitcoins (Casascius)

Businessweek has a thoughtful and well-written defense of Bitcoin, the open source virtual currency that approximates cash on the internet. Writer and programmer Paul Ford points out that the Bitcoin experiment, so far, is working: it's actually being exchanged as money, and the underlying technology has proved "to be impeccable and completely functional." He makes a persuasive point that Bitcoin is "no more arbitrary than derivatives or...

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