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Molly's Sketchbook: Sewing Kit Essentials - Scissors

When I first started sewing I had one pair of scissors that I used for everything, from clipping threads to cutting out patterns, from ripping out seams to trimming my bangs.

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Molly's Sketchbook: Sewing Kit Essentials - Fabric Markers

Marking tools are one of the most useful pieces of a sewing kit, and there are so many different kinds! The marks they make can show you where to cut, where to fold or where to stitch. They can make a permanent or temporary line, and they're available in many different colors including yellow, blue, red, white and more. The secret to making your markers work for you is knowing which marker is the right one for your project. There is no such thing as the all-purpose perfect marker so it's important to familiarize yourself with the different uses of each kind.

I stand behind all of the marking tools pictured above and I try to keep them all on hand so that I'm always prepared for any sewing situation. They are (from bottom to top): the Hera Marker, Clover White Tailor's Chalk, Yellow Tailor's Chalk, Blue Tailor's Chalk, Air Erasable Marker, Water Erasable Marker, Blue Transfer Pencil, and Red Transfer Pencil.  The purpose of each type of marker is explained below.

(By the way, the whimsical background fabric is Rakugaki in Yellow by one of my favorite Japanese Illustrators, Megumi Sakakibara.)

Enjoy! -- Molly

Tailor's Chalk

Tailor's Chalk is the most elemental marking tool and the one most people are familiar with. We carry it in 3 distinct colors, white, blue, and yellow. Which color you use depends on the color of your fabric. The darker the fabric, the lighter the chalk should be or if your fabric is light, use the darkest chalk. If your fabric falls in the middle between dark and light, use the color that is the most opposite to the main color of your fabric (for instance, on a yellow-orange fabric use the blue chalk, on a blue-violet fabric use the yellow chalk). Chalk makes a clear non permanent line that comes out by shaking it off and patting the fabric. If that doesn't get rid of the mark completely a trip through the wash will. Since chalk comes off so easily it's not appropriate for projects that will encounter a lot of handling or for those that need to keep their marks over a long period of time.  Chalk doesn't make a very precise line so if you need to mark something highly detailed chalk is not a great choice. What it is ideal for is marking hems and alterations on garments, marking folds (as in this bag pattern) and marking positions for buttons and bag handles.

Water Soluble Pen

The Clover Chaco Water Soluble Pen makes a thin, precise blue line. The marks it makes come out very quickly and easily by either spraying the fabric with water or for more specific erasing, by using the erasable tip at the opposite end of the pen (the blue side of the pen draws and the white side erases).

You can draw very intricate things with it and since I do a lot of embroidery this is the marking tool I use the most (check out my emboidered button project to see how much I rely on it!). This tool is best used over small distances. If you need to make a long line down your entire quilt this is not for you, but it is absolutely perfect for intricate drawing.

Air Erasable Pen

The Clover Air Erasable Choco Pen makes a bright pink line which disappears over time or by using the pen's eraser tip. It has all the virtues of it's water soluble cousin but is different in that you can get rid of your lines without washing (or wetting) the fabric. This is an advantage if you're working on something that can't get wet, but a disadvantage if, like so many of us, you need to get rid of your marking lines in a hurry (for instance, if you're embroidering a tie and it's your dad's birthday tonight!).

Hera Marker

The Hera Marker seems too simple to work as well as it does. It's a simple piece of plastic, shaped sort of like a butter knife but when you press the edge along your fabric it creates an easy to see temporary crease. The crease will stay visible until you wash or press the item.  The Hera Marker is ideal for marking straight lines with the help of a straight edged ruler as pictured above. I use a Hera Marker for marking my quilting lines (when I'm quilting in a straight line) and sometimes during piecing as in this Sawtooth Star block. Its unique shape and easy to clean plastic material also lends it to uses it wasn't designed for... like spreading glue inside a coin purse handle!

Transfer Pencils

Clover Iron On Transfer Pencils are really cool.  You can use them to trace or draw any design you like onto a piece of paper... 

Place your drawing marked side down and iron it onto any fabric. You can use the same piece of paper for 2 or 3 transfers.

This is definitly an embroidery friendly tool. You can work on your design without drawing on the actual fabric and only transfer it onto your piece once it's perfect  This is helpful because for all their previously mentioned virtues, erasable pens can make the fabric look worn out if you've erased and redrawn in the same place multiple times. Transfer Pencils also come in handy if you want to trace something exactly (If you are tracing something be sure to keep in mind that whatever you iron on to the fabric will be a mirror image of the original so if you're doing something directional such as text make sure trace it backwards.) The thing to be careful about when it comes to these pencils is that they do not erase, once you've marked your fabric it is there to stay and get embroidered over!


Molly's Sketchbook: Sewing Kit Essentials- Thimbles


I have to admit that before Purl Patchwork opened I didn't have a clue about thimbles. They seemed quaint and old fashioned but I didn't really understand their use (... and I thought that you wore them on your thumb!) Now that I hand sew and embroider regularly my thimbles  have become indispensable. I have different kinds for different uses and I thought I'd share with you what they're all for in case anyone out there is similarly clueless.

(The back ground fabric is Avalon from Alexander Henry, a new Purl Patchwork favorite.) 

Traditional Thimbles 

The goat leather thimble is my favorite traditional thimble and thus it's a good place to start. I used to think that thimbles were primarily used as  protection from the sharp end of the needle. But in the case of traditional thimbles that's not true. You wear a traditional thimble (usually on your index or middle finger) to protect your finger from the eye-end of the needle. If you use your index or middle finger to push  the eye-end of a needle enough times your finger will get hurt; that's where a thimble like this comes in handy.


I use my goat leather thimble  primarily for hand quilting. The rocking motion of the hand quilting stitch would be very painful without it because you are constantly pushing the end of the needle with the tip of your finger. (For a more in depth explanation of hand quilting click here.)


You can also wear a thimble for hand piecing to help push the needle through as you do the running stitch.


I prefer the goat leather thimble to a more traditional metal thimble because it's flexible and feels like an extension of my own finger, but a metal thimble works the same way.

Some people prefer the metal thimbles because they don't cover the first finger knuckle. Also their indentations are useful in catching the eye-end of the needle. Our quiltmaking teacher, Cassandra, finds the leather thimbles bulky, while I find the metal ones too rigid.  It's all a mater of personal preference and what feels right to you.

Make sure when you buy a traditional thimble, be it goat leather or metal, that it fits properly. It should be snug enough to not fall off your finger but not too tight that it hurts.

Under Thimble


The Under Thimble is also primarily used for hand quilting. When I was taught to hand quilt I was told to push the needle through the quilt until it just poked my bottom finger.


I do still think this is a good way to initially learn because it helps to regulate your stitch size. However, now that I've learned the basic principle, the Under Thimble makes hand quilting much quicker, because I'm not so afraid of impaling my poor underfinger.


To use it you simply stick it on your index finger with one of the reusable stickers that come with the package. All of a sudden your under finger is invincible!

Thimble Pad


The thimble pad is something that I use for embroidery. It gives me a better grip when I'm  pulling the thread through my fabric and prevents any irritation that might come from always gripping the needle in the same place. It sticks on and can be used many times. I have also heard it can be very useful in applique.


The thimble pad is a really versatile tool, there's no rules to it, it's just there to help. I was embroidering some napkins recently and I kept pricking myself over and over in the same place. I popped a thimble pad on and the problem was solved!

Sashiko Thimble

The Japanese Sashiko technique also has it's own Sashiko thimble, and it's worn in a very unique place on the base of the middle finger, protecting the top of the palm.

After gathering many stitches on the needle you push the needle through using the top part of your palm (protected, of course by your thimble!) For a more in depth explanation of Sashiko click here.

So... in conclusion

If you're hand sewing and your fingers are being in any way irritated, poked, pricked, or prodded, there is a thimble to help you.  



Molly's Sketchbook: Sewing Kit Essentials, Clover Seam Ripper

I worked at Purl, our knitting store, for a few years before Purl Patchwork opened. One of the mantras I was always telling beginning knitters was, "don't worry you can always rip it out." In other words, there was no permanent mistake, everything could be easily unraveled and tried again.

However, I never thought of sewing this way until recently. I approached ripping out seams with brute force and no technique, sometimes using scissors, sometimes using the dull seam ripper that came with my machine. Every time I tried to rip out a seam I ended up with pulled fabric  and a chewed up looking edge. For this reason the ultra sharp Clover Seam Ripper was a revelation. Joelle showed me the proper (and much easier) way to rip out a seam and I haven't looked back. None of my more ambitious projects would have come out well without it!

Follow the pictures below to see this totally simple, totally useful little tool at work:


Here is the offending seam.



Stick the sharp tip of the seam ripper under every other stitch along the seam and  push through the thread, breaking it.


Once you've ripped every other stitch along the entire length of the seam simply pull the thread on the other side of the seam. It should come off of the fabric with very little pressure.


And Voila, the seam is gone. All you need to do is brush away the little bits of thread and try again. It's so freeing to realize that no seam is permanent!

ps- The fabrics used above are from Amy Butler's lovely and luminous new collection Midwest Modern!  --Molly