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TechStream looks at new technologies being developed at Lawrence Berkeley Lab. If you’re interested in knowing what tomorrow’s technology will look like, then check back here frequently.

Lab Technology Spans New Research Opportunities

The American Gut Initiative

Berkeley Lab spin-off success Second Genome is joining an initiative by the American Gut project to “explore the connection between the human microbiome and type 2 diabetes.”

Top Research Makes Top Lists

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This time of year always brings the requisite “Top Ten” lists from various news outlets. Several Berkeley Lab projects took prominence so I thought it would be a good time to take a look at what others thought made news this past year.

Season’s Greetings from Berkeley Lab!

Happy Holidays from Berkeley Lab!

A Better View: Berkeley Lab Windows Technology Takes Hold


Soladigm, a startup based on Berkeley Lab smart window technology has launched a new product, a dynamic glass that continually adjusts to external conditions.

Dollars and Sense:Technology that Saves You Money, and Energy

There’s a common misperception about some of the work done at Berkeley Lab, that it’s all “basic,” still too early for anyone to benefit from. The reality is that much of the work done here is indeed ready for primetime.

What are we talking about here? Well, in many cases it’s the stuff that saves you money, but that’s not all.