Strategic Planning at the College of the Marshall Islands

The purpose of this Strategic Planning area of our Web site is to provide the members of the College of the Marshall Islands community with the opportunity to learn about and participate in the strategic planning process at CMI, and to provide all interested stakeholders with up-to-date information about the planning process. Currently, we are in the process of finalizing the development of a 2012-17 Strategic Plan to guide the college's decision-making, budgeting and day-to-day operations for the next five years. Should you have any questions about or feedback to share related to the process, please contact us via email to

College of the Marshall Islands 2012-17 Strategic Plan: March 19, 2012 Draft
Strategic Planning Defined - English and Marshallese
Strategic Planning Process Outline
IBRD Recommended Strategic Planning Format
Fall 2011 Draft Strategic Focus Areas
Fall 2011 Strategic Planning Retreat Facilitator Assignments
Fall 2011 Strategic Planning Retreat Schedule
Fall 2011 Strategic Planning Retreat Assessment Instrument
March 2011 Strategic Planning Retreat Ideas
Strategic Planning Retreat Group 1A Report
Strategic Planning Retreat Group 2A Report
Strategic Planning Retreat Group 2B Report
Strategic Planning Retreat Group 3A Report
Strategic Planning Retreat Group 3B Report
Strategic Planning Retreat Group 4A Report
Strategic Planning Retreat Group 4B Report
Strategic Planning Retreat Group 5A Report
Strategic Planning Retreat Group 5B Report
Strategic Planning Retreat Group 6A Report
Strategic Planning Retreat Group Process Rankings
November Strategic Planning Retreat Assessment Results Summary
Focus Area One: Academic Excellence


Focus on provision and application of high-quality instructional programs and dedication to supporting teaching and learning.

Supporting Institutional Goals:

1.1 The College of the Marshall Islands will provide high-quality instructional programs in recognized and Republic of the Marshall Islands appropriate fields of study that lead to successful attainment of employment, degrees, certificates, and transfer.

1.2 The College of the Marshall Islands will support teaching and learning with high-quality professional development, ongoing student-outcomes assessment, and thoughtful selection and application of technological support.

Focus Area Two: Student Support and Success


Focus on student retention and persistence to certificate and/or degree completion and transfer.

Supporting Institutional Goals:

2.1 The College of the Marshall Islands will provide programs and services that address the learning needs of students.

2.2 The College of the Marshall Islands will provide a supportive environment to enable students to persist and achieve their employment, degree and certificate completion, and transfer goals.

Focus Area Three: College Resources


Focus on maximizing existing human, financial, and physical resources, expanding opportunities for human-capital development, and pursuing new avenues for support and funding.

Supporting Institutional Goals:

3.1 The College of the Marshall Islands will maximize the use of existing fiscal, physical, personnel, and technical resources through effective planning and resources management, development of local talent to become faculty members and campus leaders, and promotion of a productive workforce in an inspiring and nurturing workplace.

3.2 The College of the Marshall Islands will expand available resources, by cultivating new funding avenues and pursuing opportunities to better leverage existing resources.

Focus Area Four: Learning Environment


Focus on enhancing student learning through provision of safe and accessible learning spaces and increased ecological responsiveness.

Supporting Institutional Goals:

4.1 The College of the Marshall Islands will enhance student learning by providing a safe, accessible, and attractive campus, with classrooms, labs, equipment, and technology adequate to meet students, faculty, staff, and community needs.

4.2 The College of the Marshall Islands will increase ecological responsiveness through enhanced measures for utilities conservation, recycling, and promotion of alternative transportation services.

4.3 The College of the Marshall Islands considers Marshallese knowledge as legitimate and encourages its transmission, development, and application both within and outside the classroom, throughout and beyond the curriculum, and in alternative spaces that do not yet exist within the college structure.

Focus Area Five: Institutional Effectiveness


Focus on strengthening a culture of planning and evidence, maintaining informed participatory decision making, and integrating planning and budget development to promote optimal institutional efficiency at all levels.

Supporting Institutional Goals:

5.1 The College of the Marshall Islands will strengthen the campus culture of planning and evidence, and maintain transparency and all-stakeholder participation in decision making, while maximizing the use of research, program review, and student outcomes data.

5.2 The College of the Marshall Islands will increase its efforts to integrate and institutionalize planning and budget development through continuous and systematic review and evaluation.

5.3 The College of the Marshall Islands embraces as one of its fundamental tenets the critical role it plays in national development and promoting greater economic and social independence. In addition, the college recognizes, encourages, and implements local Marshallese approaches to planning, communication, and governance, and acknowledges that, as an institution situated in the Marshall Islands, its operations must reflect the perspectives and conceptualizations of broader Marshallese social and cultural contexts.

Focus Area Six: Community-College Relations


Focus on cultivating effective partnerships with all external stakeholders and increasing collaboration through expanded opportunities for community participation.

Supporting Institutional Goals:

6.1 The College of the Marshall Islands will increase its relevance in the community through cultivation of effective partnerships and increased collaboration with business, industry, other education institutions, government, and service organizations.

6.2 The College of the Marshall Islands will enhance the sense of collegiality and participation among all its stakeholders, through effective communication and community-building activities.

6.3 In order to function as the College of the Marshall Islands, the college recognizes that it must consider local perspectives in all of its operating functions.

6.4 The College of the Marshall Islands will increase the breadth and depth of its engagement with and provision of service to communities throughout the Republic of the Marshall Islands and Marshallese communities beyond the RMI's borders.
