Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Living with a colicky baby (A blog break)

{a rare moment}

Before I had Jonas I think I thought "colic" simply meant a baby was gassy. I didn't know or pay much attention to the word. Colic can be defined as a condition of a healthy baby in which it shows periods of intense, unexplained fussing/crying lasting more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks.
If Jonas is awake, he is crying. Not light fussing, but crying, screaming, scratching his face, throwing his head around, CRYING. And this has been the case since he was born. We didn't know it was colic right out the gate since he was so young it was hard to tell. Even though around 2 weeks old one day he cried violently for 13 hours straight (minus nursing). I didn't want to believe it, because there is no cure. I wanted to think it was something in my diet making my breast milk hard for him to digest or maybe acid reflux, but now at almost 7 weeks, its clear that this baby has colic. And it is not so clear how I have not yet jumped off a bridge. 
Thankfully the first two weeks are long gone and I no longer have to deal with my body healing from the physical stuff that happened during labor and the intense roller coaster of emotions that were dumped on me afterwards, because dealing with that and the colic? Well that was a pretty dark time. Now my body is healed and my head is clear and it still feels like the hardest thing I've ever dealt with. 
So it's amazing I made it through the very beginning.
Other than the obvious little things like its hard to find time in the day to shower, go to the bathroom or make myself something to eat, its extremely isolating. I feel trapped in my house. I did join a mom's group and have gone a few times and I know they don't mind him screaming, but I do. Its exhausting enough dealing with him at home (with all my "tricks" nearby) but in a park with a bunch of people I've just met? A little more challenging. 
On the rare occasion he takes a long day time nap, I usually nap too. Or eat my one meal of the day before Jon can come home and relieve me. I am not about to go hit the social scene when I am so exhausted. There isn't energy left for me. And speaking of that, he is only eating breast milk, so I am solely up with him around the clock feeding him in the middle of the night and every other time. Jon would love to help with feedings but I honestly have no time to pump. And when I do have a free 30 minutes? It's usually not at the top of my list. 
Which I guess is my own fault. 
Where is this post going? I don't know. I just wanted to explain my absence a bit. Basically, for the past 7 weeks I've had a baby screaming his ass off in my face whenever his big blue eyes are open.
I hope to be back sooner than later.


Erin said...

Oh my dear ... I don't even know. I want to google all the ways to make colic go bye-bye, as if you haven't done that already yourself. I'll just have to send happy-shhhhhhhhh-baby vibes northward. May sanity be with you and may your baby suddenly stop being colicky.

yours truly, melissa said...

Oh Holly! I'm so sorry to hear this... I'm a new mom to be, so I have no words of wisdom or advice. I don't even know if there is any wisdom or advice in this situation - maybe it's just a you just have to wait it out kind of thing...? I honestly don't know.

I am pulling for you two and hope things get better sooner than later!!! Wishing you a massage and some more relaxing moments!

Nicole Marie said...

oh my dear friend i don't even know how you're doing it. the more i hear about colic the more i think i would not be far from one of those moms on tv that just lose it. i would be crying right along with that baby all day long...
so basically, way to go for keeping it together. i wish i was closer to come relieve you for a few moments so you could shower.
i am thinking about you a lot a really really really hoping he gets over it like tomorrow so you can start really enjoying baby time.
lots and lots of hugs

Brigitte said...

Awwww I just want to give you a hug!!!! I wish you both weren't going through this colic stage right now;( I can't even imagine how hard that must be... especially as a new mom. You really are doing an amazing job!! I hope things getting better SOON!! XOXOX

Michelle said...

Hi Holly,
Hang in there- you are a great momma! My mom friends swear by gripe water, not exactly sure what that does but I know one friend ordered it in bulk from amazon to keep on hand. Good luck, thinking of you, and hoping for some sleep for you soon.

Liv Szari said...

This is my life! I don't even have time to finish commenting because Willow is currently yelling! Ah!

Anna said...

I guess the only good thing about colic is that it doesn't last forever...hope your baby outgrows his fast!!

k said...

my heart goes out to you so much. and the poor guy! just a thought, but when i was struggling breast feeding (he wasn't getting enough and always fussy the first week or so) we had formula as a back up so that i could get rest, go shopping, even just walk the dog - and mark fed him with a bottle. i guess my only advice is to try different things, i know breast feeding is the best but you also have to make yourself happy and if that means he eats formula a couple times a week so that you can get a's worth it x100. we eventually stopped breastfeeding after a couple weeks and i never looked back, things were way more relaxed (i wasn't attached to a baby or a pump 24/7).
you're amazing for dealing with this so far though, your adorable boy is so lucky to have you!!
if you ever want someone to email i'm here. while i haven't dealt with what you are dealing with, i definitely cried a lot and was frustrated the first few weeks...a few dark days definitely.

Lindsay said...

Oh Hol, I really feel for you. Props to you for just making it out of bed each day! I know you have probably tried everything already, but just in cousin had mild colic and my aunt sweared by gripe water, a really tight swaddle, and white noise (or loud music). He always slept better in the nap nanny too. Let me know if you need me to do any research for you or anything. Hang in there lady! xoxo

Shannon said...

Oh man I'm so sorry, Colic was/is such a big fear of mine when having a baby. Hunter didn't have Colic but he definitely would cry/fuss every evening for a couple hours and it's exhausting. I can't even imagine how hard the Colic would be. I guess the only thing to keep reminding yourself is that he WILL grow out of it, hopefully by (if not before) 3 months. Hang in there.

Shannon said...

Oh and just remember that it won't kill him to let him cry, so if you EVER need a break just put him down to cry and go take a break. It's okay.

Jo said...

My second little boy had colic. He's 7 months now and still suffers with his poor tummy. I don't know you, have never met you, but I am thinking of you. It's so tough. I thought that I would go mad. Now he is no longer crying all the time, we feel like we are finally getting to know him. We always desperately loved him, but now it's as if we can get to know him properly because he's not just screaming and crippled by terrible pain. As others have said, your son will grow out of it, it just feels like every second is an hour.
Sending you love from England.

Kari said...

You are an amazing mom, and I'm hoping this stage will pass very soon baby Jonas. You are doing better than I would. I would go crazy like those moms on tv just like Nicole said. Giving you a big hug from South Carolina. A good day is coming your way :)

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

I'm sending lots of hugs and support your way! Hang in there and I'll be thinking of you...

Unknown said...

oh man ... I'm so sorry :( ... I just talked to someone who stopped eating gluten and sugar while she was breast feeding and it stopped the colic in her baby. I know it's annoying to get tips and advice from people, but it may help? Good luck :/

Anonymous said...

OK, so, the vast majority of cases of colic are resolved by three months. So hang in there. At the outside, you're looking at four to five months.

Please ignore layperson advice from non-medical professionals about what you should or should not be eating. There is absolutely no correlation whatsoever between what a mom eats and whether her breast-fed baby has colic. People who say their friend stopped eating this or that and their baby stopped with the colic are describing a pure coincidence and should keep their uninformed, ignorant advice to themselves.

You obviously have done everything right to give your baby a good start. It will pay off after you get over this issue in the next few weeks.

Jackie said...

I would have to agree that there really isn't a harder thing to have gone through than a baby with colic. Natalie would scream until she turned purple, and there was never much I could do about it. The one random thing that I could sometimes, randomly count on was putting Baby Einstein DVDs on the TV. She would catch a glimpse and be blissfully, momentarily enthralled. I know the moments can feel like hours during this time...there really is nothing more I can say than hang in there! Major props for getting out and attempting to join a few mom group meetings. that is something I never had the wits about me to do.

Katherine Krieg said...

we miss you!! hope youre surviving - thinking of you. :) looking forward to having you back and hearing about your adventures!

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