Icarus Online Beta

icarusWeMade Entertainment just released a brand new trailer for their upcoming Closed Beta that is scheduled start next week. Icarus is one of the more popular upcoming MMORPG's in South Korea because it offers a lot of unique features such as flying mounts with aerial battles, mounted action combat, and etc. The latest trailer featured below shows off a little bit of aerial combat, dragon slaying, mounted combat, and a lot of awesome stuff. I'm definitely excited for this upcoming CBT, you'll find out after watching the trailer below.


I actually wrote an Icarus Online Preview back in 2012, for those that actually want to learn more about this title. The game is supposedly going to feature a little bit of both Non-Targeting Combat along with the classical Point and Click combat at the same time. The first Closed Beta Test is scheduled to start early next week and I have already got my media pass! Looking forward to sharing my adventures with you guys in a couple of weeks from now.

The upcoming beta has a level 25 beta cap which seems a little bit low, I am expecting a bit of a grind during the lower levels. Hopefully the grind doesn't bore me to death before the real fun begins. Players will be able to choose between five classes which are Berserker, Assassin, Guardian, Priest and Wizard.


I've always liked games that let me fly around and explore their vast world. I just hope that the flying system plays and feels as good as it looks on the trailers and such. Oh well, enough yapping and here is the Closed Beta schedule below for other foreigners interested in signing up.

Closed Beta Recruiting
April 24th~5th

Closed Beta Testing
May 2nd~5th

Developer: WeMade Entertainment
Publisher: WeMade Entertainment
Game Site: http://icarus.wemade.com

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  • FlyffFan

    holy moly this is like FlyFF but 100x better!!

  • Tikipi

    Thanks for post but I forgot my Wemade account password can you help me make one and locked out? I have all the info... I messaged you on FB.

  • Sorry I don't make accounts for others it can complicate things and last thing I need is publishers asking me weird questions >_<

  • BenMason

    I would love to play these game but,
    1.I don't know any Korean so without some sort of guide i'd be mostly helpless
    2.Don't the Korean games usually ask for some unique Korean ID/phone number for confirmation?

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