Isle of Man Government Crest


MANNGIS Streetmaps - Frequently Asked Questions

This page lists a number of frequently asked questions and answers regarding the MANNGIS On-line Mapping Facility.

Q How long does it take to retrieve a map image or the results of a query?
ANormal response times are as follows: New map request - 5-10 seconds, Postcode Search: 8-12 seconds, Street Search: 8-12 seconds, Map point-and-click query: 5-7 seconds. Response times are however affected by multiple factors and may in certain circumstances such as heavy network traffic, when using slower Internet connections or when many map layers are ticked on be considerably longer.
Q What should I do if the application returns an error?
AOccasionally a zoom request or map or street/postcode query may fail and return an error message. When this happens, either press the Reset Reset to Full Island Button Image button above the map or open a new Internet window and reload the page. If you have time, please notify the MANNGIS Team of any errors using the contact details at the bottom of the Welcome page. This will help us improve services for all users. Where possible include specific information including the error message, what you were attempting to do when the error occurred(e.g. searching for postcode 'IMxxxxx'), the date and time it occurred and the browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox etc), version number, operating system (eg Windows XP, Mac OS etc) and speed of your Internet connection.
Q At what times are the On-line mapping facilities unavailable?
AThe Streetmaps application is designed to be generally available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The maps may be unavailable for short periods to allow for planned maintenance. We will place a message on the Streetmaps Welcome page in advance of such occasions advising visitors of how long the service will be unavailable. The Town Streetmaps pages will normally continue to operate, providing a limited service during these periods.
Q How up-to-date is the map data?
AThe On-line map facilities are designed to query map information and streets/postcodes directly from the 'live' Government mapping. It is therefore, by definition, the most up-to-date map data available and, when required, will provide for 'real-time' map services. The background Isle of Man Survey map data and photography included on the MANNGIS page is subject to an annual revision programme. This focuses in particular on areas of high known-change e.g. new housing developments, but also ensures that no area of the Island remains unsurveyed for any longer than five years. See the IoM Survey pages for more details.
Q What improvements are planned?
AThe On-line mapping will continue to be enhanced and the number of map layers available will be added to over time. Upcoming versions will include provision of more 'interactive' tools to make it easier to navigate the maps and general usability and performance improvements.