Don't look into her eyes! Hypnotist shows women how to manipulate men using mind tricks without them even knowing

By Sadie Whitelocks


Mind games: A hypnotist is teaching women how to manipulate men into doing what they want

Mind games: A hypnotist is teaching women how to manipulate men into doing what they want

A hypnotist is teaching women how to use simple mind tricks to manipulate boyfriends or husbands into doing what they want. 

Canada-based Colin Christopher says men don't even realize that their minds are being controlled thanks to covert method that uses subtle physical, visual and verbal cues.

Many of his female clients want to know how to drive their relationship forward, from moving in with a partner to tying the knot.

One of the first things he suggests is leaving relevant hints lying around, such as flat particulars or wedding magazines, in a bid to plant ideas.

'The use of imagery works very well in getting men to do things,' he told MailOnline.

'Marriage is one thing that makes a lot of guys nervous. It's important to be subtle.

'Even choosing who you socialize with can help. Mix with people in good relationships - being around unhappy couples will not sell the idea.'

For singletons about to embark on a first date, he recommends a number of sneaky techniques that will help snag a second rendezvous - should one be wanted.

'It's important to find out a bit about the man beforehand. Check out their online profile or chat with them on the phone and find out their likes and dislikes. Study photographs.'

Based on the outcome he advises selecting an outfit associated with their interests.

For example, wearing clothes in their favorite color or adopting a style that complements theirs.


During the meet up Mr Christopher says women should be the first ones to initiate physical contact.

'Women must lean in not away, and they should make an effort to grab their date's hand. Touch is a very powerful thing for guys.'

'It's not what you say but how you say it... The key is to use the power of suggestion to get what you want'

The touch mechanism is also something hypnotists teach their patients when trying to recall a particular response or emotion.

On the conversation front, he suggests exploring shared interests and talking about doing things in the future together such as visiting a museum or going to the movies.

He says a follow-up text or email keeps the energy going after the date and it is better for the woman to suggest the next activity.

'I am finding nowadays more women are picking what they want to do on a date. It definitely ensures greater success,' Mr Christopher explained.

How things are said, either face-to-face or over the phone can also unknowingly trigger different reactions.

Key to success: Mr Christopher's book explores how the mind can be manipulated

Key to success: Mr Christopher's book explores how the mind can be manipulated

'It’s not what you say but how you say it. The key is to use the power of suggestion in your line of questioning to get what you want,' Mr Christopher says.

'For example: "You will have another drink, won’t you?" Or "we’ll have another date next week, right?"'

As well as giving cues, Mr Christopher also shows women how to read their partner's body language to determine what they want or if they are telling the truth.

'It’s easy to tell if your man is lying because his eyes will react in certain ways,' he reveals.

'Looking left typically indicates a lie or a constructed image / sound, whereas looking right indicates a remembered image or sound, or the truth. 

'When you’re telling a lie, your pupils also tend to dilate. Hypnotists use this technique to tell if someone is really under hypnosis.'

Mr Christopher doesn't just specialize in relationships though.

His new book, Success Through Manipulation: Subconscious Reactions That Will Make Or Break You, details how hypnosis can help people get ahead in the workplace.


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bring it

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Just be a sweet and interesting person that knows her own value and doesn't hang about in a failing relationship, and you won't need tricks to get a man to settle with you. Besides, I've seen people who had to weasel and cajol their spouses into marrying them, and it was never really a satisfactory union, even though the persuader was technically successful.

Click to rate     Rating   15

I would never marry a woman who manipulates. I mean, who does she think she is?? My mother???

Click to rate     Rating   34

Because hypnotists that write books and are on TV have always been so reliable. And dropping wedding magazines everywhere might in fact send your new boyfriend running away... in cross-country style! I dunno, folks... if these are the calculated and just plain stupid tricks people are using, let us not scratch our heads in wonder at how high the separation and divorce rates are.

Click to rate     Rating   23

One that does work with men is using the word "will" in place of "can". For example "Will you put the bin out" implies that it is a done deal whereas " Can you put the bin out" elicits an internal argument " Well I could, but I'm not sure I want to". This is not insulting in any way to men. They like clear cut instructions and to know what is expected. If you want a woman to do something you have to go all around the houses and they still end up insulted. Women are a pain in the butt. I should know, I am one!

Click to rate     Rating   10

This is apparently for creepy and desperate women only.

Click to rate     Rating   39

If he can show me how to get my husband to pick up his socks, I will hire him immediately.

Click to rate     Rating   24

This isn't so much manipulation as it is learning pickup and body language techniques. It's pretty much the same thing guys get from reading books like The Game or reading pickup artist forums. While there will be people who attack such 'dishonest' methods I have to say it wouldn't bother me at all if I found out my girlfriend had read up on them - some of us are lucky enough to be confident, have charisma, a good sense of body language and few inhibitions, which makes you a lot more successful with the opposite sex. Others, through absolutely no fault of their own, either don't have naturally good social skills with the opposite sex or, more commonly, have been conditioned for one reason or another to suppress their sexuality and become very shy and nervous. Anything which helps those people to get beyond that and connect is to be encouraged and not condemned. As for "tricking" or "conning" someone into anything like marriage, that's rubbish - if they don't want to, they won't.

Click to rate     Rating   7

So what should a man look at, her breasts? I'm sure that'd get them a second date! Aren't eyes supposed to be the window to ones soul? Any man who avoids eye contact with me doesn't get through to desert. This man is an idiot.

Click to rate     Rating   10

a load of tripe.

Click to rate     Rating   21

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